Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] going [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They said the programme was going to go out all over the worldbut we never saw it — we have n't got a TV , you see .
2 Does he not also accept that much of his programme was going to come about in any event , that he has deliberately delayed the urban programme announcement , that six of our valleys are still not designated areas under the Act and that a proper revitalisation of the valleys would require massive and genuinely new investment spread over at least eight years , not advertising hype spread over three ?
3 Stuart could see that the red car was going to turn back .
4 The person avoided the situation at point A , believing that their anxiety was going to keep on going up along the dotted line .
5 I really thought the whole place was going to go up . ’
6 Thelma was going to pen up there and then all these others were going to be out there later .
7 Yeah well changes platforms of all these trains , anyway after a bit we decided that the Redditch train was going to come in before the train , so , er they did n't change it to say it was n't going to Redditch cos once when I was doing that they said to me , the lad was it , because it 's not to ready to change that time , you would n't matter , cos oh there 's people here waiting to go to Redditch , change it , so he said oh anyway it came , the twelve six came all the young folks going to you should of seen the number that had got off
8 It was she who had begged him to make love to her , she recalled , not the other way round , and , although he had n't been exactly reluctant , what man was going to turn down such a blatant offer ?
9 She reached out from her bed , waited for another chirrup in case the caller was going to ring off , and snatched the receiver irritably .
10 My bathing costume was going to roll down and reveal what breast stroke really meant .
11 Originally Abba 's record company were going to put out their record in December .
12 At one stage it looked as if the balloon was going to take off regardless of the wishes of its crew who fought valiantly to keep it tethered .
13 Balor was going to let down the drawbridge so that they could ride across it .
14 Rostov wondered how long the conversation was going to continue over his head .
15 When Tom produced a half-firkin of ale , saved from his own wedding , it became apparent the celebration was going to carry on far into the night .
16 Having her father with them on holiday was going to turn out as disastrously as she had expected .
17 What with contributions to the housekeeping , the holiday was going to end up costing me the best part of £500 .
18 This thing he was putting himself in for was not ordinary athletics , but a curious hybrid of a sport which , it seemed to Jazz now , was so peculiarly rooted in the old British tradition that anyone pretending to come into it wearing a bloody turban was going to stick out like a clown in a gathering of clerics .
19 The order came at the end of the summer term and , just as the holidays were beginning , the teacher who was going to replace my father arrived to see what kind of strange specimens he was going to land among and what sort of house he and his family were going to live in .
20 If the family were going to take on the outside world , they 'd do it in eccentric style , his father had implied .
21 On the other hand , if the particular person had never been missed or reported missing , their existence scarcely recorded in the great reference log of National Insurance and medical cards , passports and driving licences , if the chance of their even being named seemed thin , what obscure dentist was going to rise up suddenly producing the relevant chart ?
22 Only information I gathered from him is that he abandoned his yacht because he thought his spare fuel tank was going to blow up .
23 Chairman I , I , I am and some of my colleagues a little confused on this paper , erm and I really ask that I , I understood that when we discussed this last , erm that the , the minor work which was one , one debated , erm was going to be increased to two million and that two million er , two million spend was going to come out of the existing budget , I 'm not quite sure from this whether it is or it is n't , could you explain ?
24 She looked from him to Michael and realised that her brother was going to go over to the man .
25 The crazy auxie was going to go down there , Defries realized , whatever Defries 's orders were .
26 did n't realize that half the family was going to end up on the dole did we ?
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