Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But Mr Stewart maintained the fault was with the plane and wrong signals had been sent to the flightdeck .
2 All of their work was with the ball .
3 In the sort of conflict situation in which Benjamin Spock ( 1946 ) would suggest ‘ distracting him to something interesting but harmless ’ or ‘ give him a graceful way out ’ ( from a temper tantrum ) , or where Susan Isaacs in 1932 tells the mother ‘ not to be too ready to treat any momentary defiance as an immediate occasion for a pitched battle of wills ’ , the Evangelicals and their followers were , on the contrary , eager to seize upon such an opportunity , since their battle was with the devil himself , and the child 's spiritual salvation at stake ; distraction was the last thing they would have advised , for it was their urgent intention to rouse in the young child a vivid appreciation of his own shortcomings , as being the quickest and most effective means of subjugating his will to higher authority .
4 One of the earliest preoccupations of the Council was with the implications , for the curriculum and for teaching , of the raising of the school-leaving age to sixteen , urged powerfully in the Crowther Report and now by its successor , the Newsom Report , published in 1963 .
5 The girl was with the children . ’
6 Despite Hekmatyar 's public avowal that his war was with the Uzbek militia and not with other mujaheddin groups , analysts were agreed that he had stepped up the military pressure against the government to prevent Rabbani from consolidating his position and marginalizing the Hezb-i-Islami .
7 The falconer had authority and poise , she remained in control of the whole operation , and her attention was with the bird at each second of its flight — all while delivering a running commentary !
8 Although there were some reservations of this kind in both industry and the institutions the balance of opinion was with the sandwich course , and within the Committee for Science and Technology and its boards the commitment to sandwich courses remained strong .
9 To the Incas hell was a subterranean , cold place where you lived on stones : heaven was with the sun .
10 Jahangir 's irritation was with the refereeing which , he reckoned , had hindered him throughout the tournament and yesterday he said it ‘ made it hard for me to catch up a couple of points ’ .
11 The delay was with the approval of District Council at the request of the developer , who asked for time to consider if Hill could be improved .
12 Also , half of Britain 's trade was with the EC , compared to about one-third in 1973 .
13 About half British trade was with the Commonwealth and Sterling Area ( countries trading in British currency ) whereas only about a quarter was with Europe .
14 The concern of Freud 's theory was with the confusions and contradictions , the happiness and the misery , in modern society .
15 A county council spokesman said speed checks would be carried out but a final decision on imposing a speed limit was with the Department of Transport .
16 Prisoners being trained in woodwork explained that their major frustration was with the shortage of tools and materials .
17 Their first success was with the Rostam field , close to Qatar 's offshore terminal at Halul .
18 Our last recording was with the cellist António Meneses , which I admired very much because of the great beauty of line Meneses was able to bring to the epilogue .
19 The government 's concern was with the level of public expenditure rather than with the relationship between grant and local income by itself .
20 His only concern was with the integrity of souls in obedience to the laws of God .
21 When , during the 1930s and 1940s , the concern was with the quantity as much as with the quality of population this particular objection carried little weight , although being drawn upon as a reason for not restricting a national scheme of family allowances to the working classes alone .
22 For such men , enclosure of their lands could be the next step ( 62 ) , and it is worth remembering that even John Hales , the mid-sixteenth-century opponent of enclosures , was prepared to admit that enclosure per se was not necessarily evil : his particular concern was with the turning of arable fields into pasture ( 58 , p.180 ) .
23 His concern was with the consciousness of groups , specifically classes and particularly the proletariat .
24 His initial concern was with the transition from work to retirement and he has subsequently been involved in work on health education , notably the role of community care as it relates to older people .
25 I , of course , at the sharp end felt but a slight tremor and my concern was with the loss of lateral control and my instrument panel disintegrating in front of me .
26 The initial concerns of the Board were with the transfer of responsibilities from the Law Society and their subsequent management .
27 He said he believed the Emperor was with the troops on the Brussels road , but he had not personally seen him .
28 He was resigned to the thought of English culture sliding , as it were , into the abyss and his major preoccupation was with the past and his own place in it .
29 Bauer was on the Left , so , unlike Renner , his central preoccupation was with the creation of a united working-class movement for the achievement of a socialist State , but undertaken in conditions where nationalism continually divided the workers .
30 Sequence analysis was with the Macvector ( IBI ) and GCG packages .
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