Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] made for [art] " in BNC.

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1 A search is made for a number of special tag patterns and parse fragments and the parse structure suitably modified .
2 That the welfare of the shareholders and the fate of the company are not co-extensive is evident in the situation that arises where a take-over bid is made for the company .
3 Despite reservations about comparatively small numbers of patients , we can say that by the trial criteria , the diet did not prevent or reduce gall stone recurrence — whether or not an adjustment is made for the stone free interval .
4 No distinction is made for the Metropolitan Police , much the largest force in the country , where the Home Secretary has formal responsibility as the police authority .
5 One afternoon they will be taken for an easy mountain ramble and on another they are taken by horse drawn carriage into the woods where they can barbecue sausages ( a small charge is made for the barbecue ) .
6 In traditional accounting , no depreciation charge is made for the loss of such assets , contrary to the practice on man-made capital equipment .
7 If a request is made for a meeting to be summoned and the request is supported by at least 25 per cent , in value , of the creditors , the official receiver must summon a meeting ( s 294 ) .
8 The following are the principal cases where that leave would be forthcoming : ( 1 ) relief is sought against any person domiciled in England or Wales ; ( 2 ) an injunction is sought ordering the defendant to do an act or refrain from doing anything ( whether or not damages are also claimed in respect of a failure to do something or for the doing of that thing ) ; ( 3 ) the claim is brought against any person duly served within or out of England and Wales and a person out of England and Wales is a necessary or proper party thereto ; ( 4 ) the claim is founded on any breach or alleged breach of any contract wherever made , which : ( a ) according to its terms ought to be performed in England and Wales , or ( b ) is by its terms , or by implication , governed by English law , or ( c ) contains a term to the effect that a court in England or Wales shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any action in respect of the contract ; ( 5 ) the claim is founded on a tort and the damage was sustained or resulted from an act committed , within England and Wales ; ( 6 ) the whole subject-matter of the proceedings is land ( with or without rent or profits ) or the perpetuation of testimony relating to land ; ( 7 ) the claim is brought to construe , rectify , set aside or enforce an act , deed , will , contract , obligation or liability affecting land ; ( 8 ) the claim is made for a debt secured on immovable property or is made to assert , declare or determine proprietary or possessory rights , or rights of security , in or over movable property , or to obtain authority to dispose of movable property ; ( 9 ) the claim is brought to execute the trusts of a written instrument , being trusts that ought to be executed according to English law and of which the person to be served with the originating process is a trustee , or for any relief or remedy which might be obtained when such a claim is brought ; ( 10 ) the claim is made for the administration of the estate of a person who died domiciled in England or Wales or for any relief or remedy which might be obtained when such a claim is made ; ( 11 ) the claim is brought in a probate action within the meaning of Ord 41 ; ( 12 ) the claim is brought to enforce any judgment or arbitral award ; ( 13 ) the claim is brought against a defendant not domiciled in Scotland or Northern Ireland in respect of a claim by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue for or in relation to any of the duties of taxes which have been , or are for the time being , placed under their care and management ; ( 14 ) the claim is brought in respect of contributions under the Social Security Act 1975 ; ( 15 ) the claim is made for a sum to which the Directive of the Council of the European Communities dated 15 March 1976 No 76/308/EEC applies , and service is to be effected in a country which is a member of the European Economic Community .
9 The following are the principal cases where that leave would be forthcoming : ( 1 ) relief is sought against any person domiciled in England or Wales ; ( 2 ) an injunction is sought ordering the defendant to do an act or refrain from doing anything ( whether or not damages are also claimed in respect of a failure to do something or for the doing of that thing ) ; ( 3 ) the claim is brought against any person duly served within or out of England and Wales and a person out of England and Wales is a necessary or proper party thereto ; ( 4 ) the claim is founded on any breach or alleged breach of any contract wherever made , which : ( a ) according to its terms ought to be performed in England and Wales , or ( b ) is by its terms , or by implication , governed by English law , or ( c ) contains a term to the effect that a court in England or Wales shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any action in respect of the contract ; ( 5 ) the claim is founded on a tort and the damage was sustained or resulted from an act committed , within England and Wales ; ( 6 ) the whole subject-matter of the proceedings is land ( with or without rent or profits ) or the perpetuation of testimony relating to land ; ( 7 ) the claim is brought to construe , rectify , set aside or enforce an act , deed , will , contract , obligation or liability affecting land ; ( 8 ) the claim is made for a debt secured on immovable property or is made to assert , declare or determine proprietary or possessory rights , or rights of security , in or over movable property , or to obtain authority to dispose of movable property ; ( 9 ) the claim is brought to execute the trusts of a written instrument , being trusts that ought to be executed according to English law and of which the person to be served with the originating process is a trustee , or for any relief or remedy which might be obtained when such a claim is brought ; ( 10 ) the claim is made for the administration of the estate of a person who died domiciled in England or Wales or for any relief or remedy which might be obtained when such a claim is made ; ( 11 ) the claim is brought in a probate action within the meaning of Ord 41 ; ( 12 ) the claim is brought to enforce any judgment or arbitral award ; ( 13 ) the claim is brought against a defendant not domiciled in Scotland or Northern Ireland in respect of a claim by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue for or in relation to any of the duties of taxes which have been , or are for the time being , placed under their care and management ; ( 14 ) the claim is brought in respect of contributions under the Social Security Act 1975 ; ( 15 ) the claim is made for a sum to which the Directive of the Council of the European Communities dated 15 March 1976 No 76/308/EEC applies , and service is to be effected in a country which is a member of the European Economic Community .
10 No claim is made for the universal usefulness of this definition ; others would have to be found for societies in which law is not defined by a relatively clear , usually written , set of rules , or in which no distinction is made between civil and criminal law .
11 You will probably be responsible for the first £35 of each claim in respect of baggage , money , medical expenses and cancellation and curtailment ( except when a claim is made for the initial holiday deposit ) .
12 An excess is deductible for this section per person unless the claim is made for the initial holiday deposit only , in which case no excess applies .
13 The following are the principal cases where that leave would be forthcoming : ( 1 ) relief is sought against any person domiciled in England or Wales ; ( 2 ) an injunction is sought ordering the defendant to do an act or refrain from doing anything ( whether or not damages are also claimed in respect of a failure to do something or for the doing of that thing ) ; ( 3 ) the claim is brought against any person duly served within or out of England and Wales and a person out of England and Wales is a necessary or proper party thereto ; ( 4 ) the claim is founded on any breach or alleged breach of any contract wherever made , which : ( a ) according to its terms ought to be performed in England and Wales , or ( b ) is by its terms , or by implication , governed by English law , or ( c ) contains a term to the effect that a court in England or Wales shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any action in respect of the contract ; ( 5 ) the claim is founded on a tort and the damage was sustained or resulted from an act committed , within England and Wales ; ( 6 ) the whole subject-matter of the proceedings is land ( with or without rent or profits ) or the perpetuation of testimony relating to land ; ( 7 ) the claim is brought to construe , rectify , set aside or enforce an act , deed , will , contract , obligation or liability affecting land ; ( 8 ) the claim is made for a debt secured on immovable property or is made to assert , declare or determine proprietary or possessory rights , or rights of security , in or over movable property , or to obtain authority to dispose of movable property ; ( 9 ) the claim is brought to execute the trusts of a written instrument , being trusts that ought to be executed according to English law and of which the person to be served with the originating process is a trustee , or for any relief or remedy which might be obtained when such a claim is brought ; ( 10 ) the claim is made for the administration of the estate of a person who died domiciled in England or Wales or for any relief or remedy which might be obtained when such a claim is made ; ( 11 ) the claim is brought in a probate action within the meaning of Ord 41 ; ( 12 ) the claim is brought to enforce any judgment or arbitral award ; ( 13 ) the claim is brought against a defendant not domiciled in Scotland or Northern Ireland in respect of a claim by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue for or in relation to any of the duties of taxes which have been , or are for the time being , placed under their care and management ; ( 14 ) the claim is brought in respect of contributions under the Social Security Act 1975 ; ( 15 ) the claim is made for a sum to which the Directive of the Council of the European Communities dated 15 March 1976 No 76/308/EEC applies , and service is to be effected in a country which is a member of the European Economic Community .
14 The choice of a slow , careful style is made for the sake of convenience and simplicity ; learners of English need to be aware of the fact that this style is far from being the only one they will meet , and teachers of English to foreigners should do their best to expose their pupils to other varieties .
15 ( 1 ) Where an application is made for a new licence , or for the renewal or permanent transfer of a licence , by an applicant who is not an individual natural person , the following provisions of this section shall apply .
16 Note that the child does not have automatic party status when an application is made for a s8 order except in the circumstances specified in ( iii ) and ( iv ) above although he can apply for party status as explained below .
17 The Act gives certain powers to the High Court where an application is made for an order for evidence to be obtained in England , and the court is satisfied that the application is made in pursuance of a request issued by or on behalf of a court or tribunal exercising jurisdiction in another part of the United Kingdom or some other country , and that the evidence sought is to be obtained for the purposes of civil proceedings which have either been instituted before the requesting court or whose institution is contemplated .
18 To meet this development section 17(2) was inserted into the Act and provides that where an application is made for an interlocutory injunction and the party against whom it is sought claims that he acted in contemplation or furtherance of a trade dispute , the court shall , in exercising its discretion whether or not to grant the injunction , have regard to the likelihood of that party 's succeeding at the trial of the action in establishing the matter which would afford a defence under the Act .
19 ( 4 ) Subject to section 13(2) of this Act , if no application is made for the renewal of a licence at the quarterly meeting mentioned in subsection ( 3 ) above , the licence shall expire on the first day of that meeting .
20 ( 5 ) If an application is made for the renewal of a licence , the licence in respect of which the application is made shall continue to have effect : ( a ) until the application for renewal is granted by the board ; ( b ) if the application for renewal is refused , until the time within which an appeal may be made has elapsed or , if an appeal has been lodged .
21 ( 2 ) Before application is made for the grant of a licence under this Part of this Act , draft rules as to the persons entitled to use the canteen shall be prepared for submission with the application , and the licensing board shall refuse to grant the licence unless the body providing the canteen undertake to make rules for the canteen in the form of the draft , with the modifications , if any , required by the licensing board , and not to vary those rules without the consent of the licensing board .
22 Suppose that a contract is made for the provision of a network to link individual computers together , a term in the contract stating that the network will support at least 16 microcomputers .
23 He published a paper by ex-sapper Kenneth Koop , in which a case is made for the alignments being the remains of an early survey of Britain .
24 Provision is made for a range of access rights , entry ownership , organisation and work management .
25 In Parts I and 11 of that Act provision is made for a new form of ‘ annual returns ’ .
26 Provision is made for a follow- up survey to monitor changes during the period of the project .
27 As far as the new rent is concerned , options fall into four categories : ( 1 ) options to renew " at a rent to be agreed " : such options are void for uncertainty unless some provision is made for determination of the rent in default of agreement ( King 's Motors ( Oxford ) Ltd v Lax [ 1969 ] 3 All ER 665 ) or some provision is made for a minimum or a maximum rent ( Corson v Rhuddlan BC [ 1990 ] 1 EGLR 255 ) ; ( 2 ) options to renew at a rent to be determined in accordance with some stated formula , without any effective machinery for working it out : if necessary the court will supply the machinery in such cases ( Brown v Gould [ 1972 ] Ch 53 ) ; ( 3 ) options with machinery but no detailed formula : in such cases the court is likely to imply a term that the rent is to be fair and reasonable between the landlord and the tenant and will supply machinery for its determination ( Sudbrooke Trading Estate Ltd v Eggleton [ 1982 ] 3 All ER 1 ) ; ( 4 ) options which provide both a formula and the machinery for working it out : the draftsman should attempt to make his draft fall into this category .
28 Where the circumstances are that a plaintiff ( such as a mail order company ) wishes to bring separate proceedings in one county court against a great number of defendants , provision is made for a combined request and particulars of claims by the Lord Chancellor 's Practice Directions made on 1 March 1979 and 17 March 1987 setting out full instructions ; these are given in the notes under Ord 3 , r 3 in The County Court Practice .
29 Portadown is one of the very few Irish Circuits in which an adequate provision is made for the sustentation of Ministers on the spot . ’
30 In spite of such conferences and the dedication of a number of musicians , little or no provision is made for the liturgical and musical formation of Roman Catholic musicians and clergy .
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