Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] [verb] for a " in BNC.

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1 She let us stay with her for a week after Dada — ’ She paused , and again her hesitation appeared as if her mind were groping for an answer or a revelation to something she could n't understand ; then she said , ‘ After Dada … died .
2 An answer came from Huddersfield , where the Town Football Club were looking for an assistant to their secretary-manager Ambrose Langley , who had partnered Chapman 's brother at Hull before the war .
3 3 years ago , Waddesdon Manor was used for a summit between Mrs Thatcher and President Mitterand .
4 Elections were last held in August 1987 [ see p. 35490 ] , when the ruling coalition was returned for a further term of office .
5 An article in Our Flag in November 1912 pointed out that the average turnover of votes in by-elections had been about 1,300 votes per contest and that only 250 votes per contest was needed for an overall Unionist majority .
6 Elections to the 125 elective seats in the Assembly last took place in October 1988 ; at the same time the President was re-elected for a further five-year term , having held the office since independence [ see pp. 36264-65 ] .
7 The President was elected for a five-year term , limited to two consecutive terms .
8 Mr Salmond may well be right in supposing that Labour 's Scottish high command was looking for an excuse to wriggle out of its reluctant commitments to constitutional co-operation .
9 If the Club was to look for a return on its money , as any other investing institution would , the criteria for that return would be two fold ; a boom in the popularity of tennis at grass roots level and/or impressive results at international level .
10 A search was made for an apt sock-it-to-him opening remark , yet nothing came .
11 As Gabriel 's concentration was broken for a moment , his shears cut the sheep 's skin .
12 They considered themselves above parish apprentices , yet of the fellow members of the cutter club with whom he rowed on the Thames , Place recalled that the stroke was hanged for a murder he did not commit , not being able to provide an alibi as he was committing a burglary at the time , while the cox was transported for a robbery .
13 As well as Churchill 's leonine oratory , we enjoyed comedy programmes , such as Tommy Handley 's ITMA which , if heard today , would seem childish indeed ; but the programme was created for an age of less sophisticated humour , and depended upon topical references striking chords in the heart of a nation which was as one , and united in a common cause as never before or since .
14 Cobalt was heading for a renewal of the morning 's hangover , Oliver would expect to head for Antibes with her later .
15 The six times world champion could see a full ball and the standard miss rule was applied for a forfeited frame .
16 Fortunately I had taken my camera-bag with me , so fishing was abandoned for a while as I attempted to take pictures of moving birds from a moving boat !
17 They considered themselves above parish apprentices , yet of the fellow members of the cutter club with whom he rowed on the Thames , Place recalled that the stroke was hanged for a murder he did not commit , not being able to provide an alibi as he was committing a burglary at the time , while the cox was transported for a robbery .
18 Her nose was too small to balance her high flat cheekbones , and her mouth was made for a face at least two sizes larger .
19 It was ten-thirty and the wedding was fixed for an hour 's time .
20 A free system of administration was substituted for an official system .
21 Well I would n't be here because a horse was used for a toxin to provide the anti-toxin for diphtheria whe , in my days when I was younger there was no toxins as such , vaccination as such and so therefore the horses were used for research to provide the anti-toxins .
22 The Czechoslovak Foreign Ministry on Jan. 9 announced that the Czechoslovak side was to press for a complete withdrawal before the end of 1990 of the estimated 75,000 Soviet troops stationed in the country since the entry of Warsaw Pact forces in 1968 .
23 Knowing what I do now [ he says ] , I think the DIA was looking for a way to get me back to Beirut to salvage what it could from the Asmar wreck .
24 However , under section 13(3) ( b ) and section 58 of the Act of 1988 in conjunction with regulation 66 of the Regulations of 1988 , the validity of registrations made under the previous Act were extended for a transitional period until 31 March 1989 .
25 I got another breakthrough , my typing teacher told me that the London County Council were advertising for a Medical superintendent 's Clerk at the Western Fever Hospital in Fulham SW6 .
26 If a constable were to ask for a ladder to rescue a cat from a tree , the person who declined to lend his assistance would commit no offence thereby .
27 At the same time , milk yields had to be substantially increased and sustainable and the scene was set for a revolution in breeding and for the development of most of the modern breeds .
28 The scene was set for a confrontation which , because of the simultaneous peaking of unrest over the food question , threatened to bring not only a few militant engineers , but whole working-class communities into direct action against the continuation of the war .
29 With actress Jackie , 47 , the Hollywood party scene was set for a quiet chat and a bottle of champagne — maybe a magnum .
30 Using the Mark 1 blue/grey set , complete with a Network SouthEast liveried coach , the scene was set for a return history period piece .
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