Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] [prep] [num ord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the confusion following Belgium 's partial withdrawal from its colony , the UN force was at first given the foolish order not to shoot unless attacked .
2 The college was at last loosening up .
3 One hastily written poem in Wordsworth 's meditative manner , ‘ Lines Written at a Small Distance from my House ’ , was delivered to Dorothy by young Basil as the Quantock spring was at last arriving :
4 As we have seen , the stimulus given to the economy by Emancipation was at first limited .
5 In fact , neither side was at first attempting to reach the defensive flank of the North Sea ; rather , each was hastening to get around the enemy 's northern flank in the only area where mobile warfare was still possible on the Western Front .
6 In the event , however , it was not for several years — not until well after the composer 's death — that the missing portion of the overture was at last copied into the score .
7 The mitigation of the law was at first carried so far as to sacrifice that object , said J.S. Mill .
8 Harold Macmillan spoke in Cape Town , in February 1960 , of the ‘ wind of change ’ and directed the unwilling attention of his countrymen towards an Empire on which the sun was at last setting .
9 He was cooking ; murder was , for the moment at any rate , not in his thoughts , the sun was at last shining in the way it should do on a seaside holiday , and there were still three more days of holiday to go .
10 Coleridge 's Somerset household was at first intended to have a touch of Pantisocratic inclusiveness .
11 Russia chose the latter option , and her campaign in the south was at first to have a most promising outcome .
12 The committee was at first divided over the proposal , with Betty Sinclair opposing the whole idea of protest marches , and a decision was deferred to a later meeting , which agreed to go ahead and fixed the date for 24 August .
13 Hardly had Admiral Hawke received , on 28 January 1760 , the thanks of the House of Commons and a £2000 a year pension , when the sole surviving fragment of Choiseul 's giant invasion plan was at last implemented .
14 Peace was at last enforced on the Border .
15 When the Wolof children were asked to put together the pictures or objects in an array that were most alike and to give their reasons , the question was at first put in the form ‘ Why do you say ( or think ) that these are alike ? ’ .
16 She waited until the car vanished round the bend then waited some more until the whine of the engine was at last lost in the distance , then she slowly made her way into the house .
17 At the local level , sanitary reform was at first hampered by the chaotic diversity of different local bodies ( Flinn 1969 ) .
18 Despite her discovery of the simpler B pattern , Franklin 's attention was at first directed to the more crystalline A form ; but by March 1953 she had carried the quantitive analysis of the B form patterns to the point where the paths of the backbone chains were determined , and she wrote up her work in a typescript dated 17 March — one day before news of the Watson and Crick structure reached King 's .
19 He treated Richard Branson with imperious disdain ; twice inviting him to his home , and being pointedly out on both occasions ; then declining to share his torpedo-sized spliffs when a meeting was at last arranged .
20 The hardware shop was at last doing well now , the boys were growing up , and he could afford part-time housekeeping .
21 The tramway was at first operated by horses which were stabled at the rear of the present Ashby 's butchers shop .
22 You can forgive people in the Fifties for their eagerness to believe that the problems of highly industrialized societies had been solved , that capitalism worked and that the industrial revolution was at last delivering the goods for everyone … that there were practically no losers .
23 The Lincoln Red was at first known as the Lincolnshire Red Shorthorn : it originated when eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Durham and Yorkshire Shorthorn bulls were put on the large , rugged , pied Old Lincolnshire short-horned draught cows which could withstand all the weather thrown at this east coast county by the cold North Sea winds .
24 There were , however , two new fields of research ; galvanism ( as use of electrical current was at first termed ) and mesmerism .
25 Although the tunnel was at first rejected on the grounds of cost , eventually in 1872 the Severn Tunnel Bill was passed by Parliament and construction began the following year .
26 More field trips were demanded ; in the new climate in which life was at last prepared to be amenable to Richard 's desires , it seemed natural that Murray should supervise these expeditions .
27 The fact that he had been able to make the journey across the Atlantic meant that life was at last reverting to its customary shape .
28 The Oregon combination of technical expert opinion and public participation was at first seized on with enthusiasm by many NHS managers as a means of legitimising rationing decisions .
29 Loaded as it was with connotations of the body and pleasure — analogous to homosexuals in the United Kingdom , cast as out-groups , as bogeymen by the dominant culture , but attempting to fashion their own , necessarily coded , meanings rock 'n' roll was at first tolerated , because of its economic attractiveness , and then actively suppressed .
30 The new church was at first served from the cathedral .
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