Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Charlton co-manager Alan Curbishley admitted that his side were on a worrying downward trend but pointed out : ‘ In the last three years we have sold players worth more than £4 million and spent only Pounds 450,000 .
2 Boar 's head and jugged hare were among the contemporary dishes served in front of the company 's original 18th-century shop front in Cornhill , which now stands in the museum .
3 However , the truth will out and in each of the 72 National Bus Company sell-offs those who keep an eye on the industry were in a strong position to find out what was paid .
4 If British industry were in the same powerful position as German industry , I might be a little more relaxed about economic monetary union , but I am worried about the time at which we are entering into new commitments .
5 5 of the bulls up for auction were from the Lower Hope estate near Leominster .
6 ‘ At first I was dazzled , and covered my eyes , and there did n't seem the smallest change ; the roar of the Strand and the roar of the reef were like the same : hark to it now , and you can near the cabs and buses rolling and the streets resound . ’
7 Around one quartr of the children in this study were below the third percentile for weight suggesting an association between cryptosporidiosis and failure to thrive , as described in other centres .
8 Mines which were primarily of gold or silver were in a different category entirely , however .
9 Given the government 's commitment to control public expenditure and reduce taxation , her main troubles in the first term were with the major spending departments and with ministers who favoured some further reflation to ease unemployment .
10 The group remaining in Shakang Harbour were in a sad state , confined in a small space in a filthy harbour , with fishing boats leaking diesel and oil onto the surface of the water and continual dumping of rubbish , particularly plastics , from the shore .
11 The first lots to come into the ring were for the annual lease of ewes .
12 The main areas of fighting were in the north-western provinces of Battambang ( especially in the Sisophon area ) , Banteay Meanchey and Siem Reap-Oddar Meanchey ( especially around Chikreng ) , but the guerrillas , dominated militarily by the Khmer Rouge component , also claimed victories in Kampot and Kompong Speu in the south and in the central provinces of Kompong Chhnang and Kompong Thom , especially around Kompong Svay and Stoung .
13 Six members of the previous administration were in the 29-member cabinet , but no senior FLN politician was included .
14 A major industry initiative was launched by the HCIMA at its annual lunch last month when several operating companies and educational institutes , including Compass , Forte , Copthorne Hotels , Universities of Brighton and Surrey and Chichester College were among the first signatories of a new Charter agreement which will strengthen employer/education links within the industry .
15 Industry , especially chemical and pharmaceutical , was no less involved in the great expansion , and the opportunities for research were on an unprecedented scale .
16 The worst rates of loss were in the Welsh steel making counties of West Glamorgan ( -31.4 per cent ) and Clwyd ( -27.7 per cent ) , followed by Strathclyde ( 26.6 per cent ) , Merseyside ( -24.2 per cent ) and Durham ( -23.8 per cent ) .
17 The .303 and the shotgun were in a waterproof bag strapped to the side of the pack .
18 It took only three years for Totten to move St Johnstone through the pecking order to the Premier Division and the club were in the top half of the table when , on 14 December , the McDiarmid Park chairman , Geoff Brown , decided a change was necessary .
19 Above all , Mosley had tried to reassure the country that persecution of race or religion was against the fundamental tenets of Fascism as it had evolved in England .
20 Such thinking was behind the absurd argument that the police should be restrained from giving hot pursuit to stolen cars , and it also lay behind much of the nit-picking objection to the Bill that we heard from the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook .
21 He looks at her in fear : ‘ the cleft was like a dumb , stupid mouth . ’
22 The original deal was for the same time and same sum , but the difference now is that the new contract covers rugby only for the age bracket between 16 and 18 .
23 The deal was worth an estimated US$6,000 million , and the purchase would substantially upgrade Taiwan 's ageing air force , which consisted mainly of 30-year-old F-5Es and 40-year-old F-5 fighters .
24 Jon Geldart , of the accountancy firm Coopers & Lybrand , which is advising the management team , said that the deal was at an advanced stage .
25 The motion-work was at the very apogee of clockmaking technology and the case-work enjoyed a world wide reputation for quality of design and good taste , all at very competitive pricing .
26 The inspector adds that he thinks that ’ the Force was in a parlous state in 1990 . ’
27 And even he had like their their wedding ring was in a little purse .
28 These range from determining exactly where in Europe the lord of an English medieval manor was at a certain date ( for the more senior magnates were often crusaders , pilgrims , legates and diplomatists ) to ascertaining precisely when an eighteenth-century trading agreement with a French merchant was concluded .
29 Her only consciousness was of the pulsing energy washing over her , picking her up , carrying her along whether she willed it or not , his body pulsing against her own with its blatant male need , and she felt helpless against it .
30 The bedroom was on the same level as the terrace , the small sitting-room and the kitchen , and so she waited for the sound of another door or footsteps on the stone staircase down to the entrance hall .
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