Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] the first [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the work you will be doing in the Art Department is the first two years of the Senior School is probably a bit different from what you have done in previous years .
2 The research is the first sustained investigation of the subject in this country .
3 Our study is the first large scale research study of the extent , nature and reliability of UK financial graphs .
4 Aimed at young families , small business users and aspiring professionals , the car is the first new model to emerge from Rover since the 800 series in 1986 .
5 But , but but ending feudalism is the first important stance .
6 Intergraph also claims that its new 2 Megapixel colour monitor is the first affordable 21″ display , put does not put a price on it .
7 The namecode is the first 5 digits of the surname , 2 initials and M or F depending on sex .
8 In a field alongside the main road through the village is the first complete cast-iron aqueduct ever built .
9 And it is not insignificant that the quarterly of which he is the editor is the first British journal which has attempted to relate the British mind to the total European mind ; that has attempted a rational synthesis of the traditions of Roman culture ; that has , in a word , contemplated order .
10 Just off the presses at mid-price is the first massive delivery in a one hundred volume , 119 CD series celebrating ‘ Leonard Bernstein : The Royal Edition ’ .
11 This article is the first sustained work published on Leapor and some of its bibliographical observations are of great value .
12 The move is the first official admission of serious concern over adequacy of anti-fire measures in royal buildings .
13 Having conquered the UK personal computer market , Elonex Plc is the first European personal computer producer to strike an OEM deal with Univel Inc , the Novell Inc-Unix System Laboratories Inc venture .
14 The match is the first major running event at the Savoy Theatre since its refurbishment after a fire destroyed its Grade II listed interior in 1990 .
15 In the following example , the head is the first five syllables : Bill called to give me those
16 The metro is the first full-scale railway system to have driverless trains and it can run up to 60 two-car trains an hour during peak periods ( New Scientist .
17 His diocesan work can be studied in much more detail , for his register is the first extant episcopal register for the diocese of Exeter , and probably in fact the first to be compiled .
18 ‘ A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life ’ — Oscar Wilde .
19 As the cations are leached , the acidity rises and the phosphorus becomes re-locked with the iron and aluminium , so that in some cases at least , phosphorus is the first limiting nutrient .
20 As you approach Tintagel the headland fortress is the first visible landmark .
21 Organised by the Henry Moore Foundation , the City of Paris and the British Council , the exhibition is the first important show devoted to Moore in France since 1977 , when sculptures and drawings were shown in the Orangerie and the Tuileries gardens and the artists ' graphics were exhibited in the Bibliothèque Nationale .
22 The role is the first major link between Marketing and Production , being involved at the earliest possible stages of transforming customer needs and wants into practical possibilities .
23 Published by Arts and Co. , the present catalogue is the first comprehensive treatment of this collection .
24 Metrolink is the first on-street light rail system in this country and is to be followed late next year by a network in Sheffield .
25 The inkwell is the first signed piece to be discovered .
26 The model is the first three-dimensional picture of atoms , each bump represents an atom , and was produced by IBM using a technique called scanning tunnel microscopy ( STM ) .
27 Thomas Stanton 's courageous book is the first comprehensive study of these monsters , revealing their history , how they work today and how , with better regulation , they might escape a repeat of the $500 billion savings-and-loan fiasco .
28 This book is the first comprehensive study of these gardens , and was reviewed in the RIBA Journal last month .
29 Peter Thornton 's book is the first serious study of this vast and sometimes elusive subject and the fourth in a series of thematically non-sequential books from Weidenfeld and Nicolson initiated by Mr Thornton with his richly informative Authentic Décor : The Domestic Interior 1620–1920 .
30 This report is the first published research about how people of all main Churches come to faith .
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