Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] more [subord] a " in BNC.

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1 The human mind is more than a computer : Computers have dull and exact memories — what went in can come out again , exactly as it went in .
2 The Kirkland facade is more than a mere architectural exhibit within the building , for
3 In the West , a car is more than a way of travelling ; it represents freedom and flexibility and is a potent status symbol .
4 There 's sunbursts and there 's sunbursts , and although this one is flawed by a couple of sanding marks around the back , the overall effect is more than a little tasty .
5 The Tomy Cradle Carrier is more than a carrier .
6 However , maintenance is more than a cost centre because it affects aircraft availability .
7 The rhetorical approach emphasizes that any attitude is more than an expression in favour of a position : it is also implicitly or explicitly an argument against a counter-position .
8 Ms Hampson believes the abuse is more than an incidental or sexual act .
9 To its enthusiasts hunting and especially fox hunting is more than a sport it is a national institution enjoyed equally by all countrymen and I emphasis all countrymen .
10 A prolate cycloid is generated when the point P is outside the generating circle ; OP is more than a .
11 The creed had such a powerful hold upon the party that even Quintin Hogg , who later chose the life-peerage title Lord Hailsham of St Marylebone — you can hardly get more urban than that — was opining in 1947 that ‘ the Conservative believes that farming is more than a business ; it is a way of life , essential to the community in war and peace . ’
12 It 's quite clear from papers issued by the EC that in the medium and long term shipbuilding is more than a viable industry it will grow and prosper .
13 That the magic of the place is more than an architectural phenomenon is expressed in both the introduction by the house 's present owner , the Duke of Buccleuch and an essay on its history by John Cornforth .
14 A good caddie is more than a mere assistant .
15 As that doyen of golf-writers , the late Henry Longhurst said , ‘ A good caddie is more than a mere assistant , he is guide , philosopher and friend . ’
16 Anyway , why put a new straitjacket around the economy until recovery is more than a twinkle in the market 's eye ?
17 Thus , a group is more than an aimless crowd of people waiting in an airport lounge or at a bus-stop .
18 The truth is more than a recital of the visible .
19 GMs wind-cheating coupe is more than a pretty face .
20 And excellent sight is most important if your world is in the air or your head is more than a few feet above the ground .
21 For we already have knowledge , ’ said the king , ‘ that our enemy in Wales has sent letters praying aid to all these potential foes of our state , and a joint assault is more than a possibility .
22 The Wye Raft race is more than a sporting event ; it 's also a big moneyspinner for charity .
23 The Wye Raft race is more than a sporting event ; it 's also a big moneyspinner for charity .
24 The way you wanted to do , and then we added all this lot up , we 'd find well , w the chance is more than a certainty .
25 But our Cathedral is more than an architectural achievement — it is an affirmation of belief , a place of community and worship , a symbol of unity and faith , a source of inspiration .
26 If you can raise your eyes from the water long enough you 'll see that the scenery is more than a match for the fishing — it 's simply breathtaking .
27 There are also diagnostics allowing a recalculation of the ‘ good ’ reference levels if the number of bad readings exceeds a predetermined level or an output of warning messages if any of the measurements used in computing the average is more than a certain tolerance from the mean .
28 It is sufficient to contravene this regulation where the patch is more than a quarter of the breadth of the tread , because there can not be at least three-quarters of good tread around the whole circumference of the tyre in such a case .
29 The offer is , apparently , to refund 20% of a fare if a train is more than an hour late .
30 The Ghost of Banquo is more than a figment of Macbeth 's imagination : it stands in some way in relation to his conscience .
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