Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] [adv] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Teale and Paul McGrath provide the muscle — and their central defensive partnership is already rated the best in the Premier League by big Ron .
2 ‘ This bugger 's salt , you know , goes so deep no diver 's ever found the bottom .
3 Pop culture thus works through an amalgam of attitude , inspiration , intuition and detail ( for nobody is as obsessive as the true pop fan , whose obsession is rarely given the respect it deserves ) ; crucially , it works best not in public , where the terms of discourse are set by the dominant culture , but in private space .
4 Although the façade is not true Romanesque , the campanile most certainly is , as is the doorway of the canonica ( the best translation is ‘ rectory ’ , although in Italian the house of a priest is actually called the presbytery ) .
5 The night-time thermosphere is sometimes called the cryosphere ( = ‘ cold sphere ’ ) .
6 As for incitement , if the crime is actually committed the inciter becomes an accessory to it .
7 We could test it to see if we get an output , we do n't but we could do , there 's no need because all we have to do in effect is just set the weights of the decoders that are actually coming out .
8 The Magnus effect is more pronounced the faster the cylinder rotates .
9 If the capacitor is completely discharged the initial current is so a high resistance reduces the charging current .
10 ( The rate of return on an additional investment is sometimes called the marginal efficiency of investment or MEI . )
11 This term is sometimes called the external energy .
12 The head of a public sector institution is usually called the director or principal .
13 Where the constable is not authorised the defendant could have allowed the constable to carry out the inspection .
14 Although this summary was only offered in the context of the C. and A.G. , it is a good general summary of the audit of government and local government in the UK as well as the USA.2 In the USA , this audit is often called the ‘ expanded scope audit ’ , to emphasize the nature of the difference between it and the statutory commercial audit ; in Canada , the term is ‘ comprehensive auditing ’ .
15 In such a habitat is also found the great water dock , food plant of the reserve 's most notable butterfly , the large copper .
16 If the nature of the risk is displayed as in Figure 6.10 , corporate management is explicitly given the data it needs for evaluation .
17 If the nature of the risk is displayed as in Figure 6.10 , corporate management is explicitly given the data it needs for evaluation .
18 The were-wolf pornographer is thereby given the coup-de-grace , and with great subtlety at that in times of regurgitated Nazism and anti-Semitism .
19 If assistance is not granted the Commissioner may inform the applicant of the reasons for the decision , but is under no obligation to do so .
20 While he persists in looking for the golden egg before the chicken is even hatched the terrorists will continue to exact a mounting price in blood for his dithering approach to security .
21 Prunus padus is well named the bird cherry , for its black fruits are high on the animal and bird menu of gastronomic delights .
22 One person in each team is then given the name of an item that someone might buy while out shopping such as : carrots , a newspaper , a magazine , fish , jam , cheese and bananas .
23 If an outside liquidator is not appointed the OR will continue as liquidator .
24 Unfortunately , unless the device is skilfully earthed the shielding often has little effect .
25 These experiments generally show that there is discrimination against black people in the sense that the black actor is not given the job , or is told that it is filled , while the similarly qualified white actor is given the job .
26 A healthy diet is now considered the most effective way of treating this condition , apart from the use of drugs .
27 Quick sponge cake is best made the day before using ( or earlier ) , as the cake will then be much easier and less messy to cut and shape .
28 The revenue from the tax , currently around £1.2 billion per year , is intended to subsidize projects using alternative fuel sources , but at the moment more than 90 per cent goes to the nuclear industry ( which is why the tax is often called the " nuclear levy " ) .
29 Without this no one seems satisfied : the farmer can not farm efficiently ; the environmentalist is despondent about the blighted landscape ; and the nearby urban population is not allowed the freedom it would wish in order to relax in the countryside .
30 Daddy 's always thought the world of you , and I know Mummy likes you .
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