Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] our [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Government will work in partnership to secure our heritage for the benefit of future generations .
2 We would take this opportunity to express our wish for continued cooperation and communication between management and staff and welcome this news sheet as a vehicle for this .
3 In short , restoring ordinary people as part of the we who run things , rather than the them for obstacles to be regulated , managed , I fear even duped and certainly simply left out , and the chief place to focus our search for pragmatic coalitions and cooperative democracy must be in our local communities .
4 However , with a little incentive our present industry could expand production by 10–15% without taking on labour ; so we are probably considering a 25% increase in gross national product to satisfy our need for jobs .
5 May the MEDAU SOCIETY continue to blossom , grow and stay alive — it is an example for us and at the same time an inspiration to continue our work for the benefit of people everyone .
6 Three of our candles are in this colour to represent our sorrow for our failure to love in so many parts of our lives .
7 For it is a condition of Dostoevsky 's art to arouse our longing for the settled and the normal and the beautiful itself .
8 We will have no obligation to update our report for events or transactions occurring subsequent to the date of issue of the report in final form .
9 They sign the contract to take our product for four years .
10 In spite of this , we have continued to invest in existing facilities and in extending our range of services in order to strengthen our position for the future .
11 For there is a formula which generates the ‘ deviant ’ continuation from the same early stages ; since both series start in the same way , we can not appeal to the way in which one starts in order to justify our preference for its way of going on .
12 Wolfgang Hildesheimer ( 1985 , p.201 ) , in his ‘ warts-and-all ’ study of Mozart , suggests that music offers similar opportunities : ‘ Why else should we need music but for its ability to satisfy our longing for emotional experience , without our having to undergo the deep tumult at its root ’ .
13 That is the most tangible way to demonstrate our concern for the health service and to continue to improve the service available to everyone in this country .
14 ‘ We appeal to anyone with an interest in British justice to support our demand for an immediate independent inquiry into the RUC frame-ups and present use of supergrasses , ’ said the CPFJC statement .
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