Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] as [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When all this was going on I left my job as a bank clerk to work as a messenger .
2 The woman of the future would be far more than a nurse or consoler , she would have a positive religion to realize as a high-priestess of health .
3 There are five specific reasons for not calling a witness given in r25 — namely , that the witness is dead or beyond the seas or unfit by reason of bodily or mental condition to attend as a witness or that , despite the exercise of reasonable diligence , it has not been possible to identify or find him or that he can not reasonably be expected to have any recollection of matters relevant to the accuracy or otherwise of the statement .
4 A MAN accused of forcing his 15-year-old girlfriend to work as a prostitute claimed he was trying to stop her soliciting , a jury heard yesterday .
5 If the form of such relations is in fact reordered at the level of consciousness to appear as an exploitation of things , then the effect is to reduce the sensation of the violence of exploitation and also to legitimize the relations of dominance .
6 Bayezid II was won over by Mueyyedzade 's arguments and not only appointed Kemalpasazade to the Taslik medrese but also charged him with writing a history of the Ottoman dynasty in Turkish to serve as a companion piece to that being written in Persian by Idris Bitlisi
7 A rabbit warren enlarged by a vixen to serve as a fox earth .
8 Delegates also declared their intention to function as a party — the National Liberals ' Congress ( KKL ) .
9 A married couple taking in lodgers will be able to decide whether they prefer the whole of the rent to count as the husband 's or as the wife 's for entitlement to the full relief .
10 After a year at training college to qualify as a teacher , he had two years at a comprehensive school in St Neots , Hunts. , but he wanted to achieve much more as a music teacher and did so when he became assistant director at Sevenoaks .
11 This put paid to Baldwin 's attempt to pose as a champion of collective security .
12 However an encouraging number of teacher groups did find a first step of action to take as a result of using the process .
13 He enjoyed oriental sex techniques , picked up during his days in the Far East , and was keen on applying a pinch of cocaine to the tip of his penis to act as an aphrodisiac .
14 In the community tank where the decor consists of numerous caves made from rockwork , with a good depth of gravel to act as a filter medium , and where the fish tend to dig less than in a tank especially set up for breeding , then undergravel filtration will be adequate once the biological action in the gravel has become firmly established .
15 This is the special material laminated to roller shade fabric to act as a lining , a stiffener and a blocker-out of unwelcome light .
16 It shall be the duty of every professor to act as the supervisor of graduate students as and when requested to do so by a faculty board or other competent body , unless he can show reasonable cause , to the satisfaction of that board or other body , why on a particular occasion he should not do so .
17 It shall be the duty of every professor to act as an examiner or assessor as and when requested to do so by a nominating committee or other competent body unless he can show reasonable cause to the satisfaction of the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors why on a particular occasion he should not do so .
18 We have enlisted the help of a musician to act as a guinea-pig and to test the available music software and hardware .
19 It is often said that the hammer axle bushing in the Kapsel , or fork in which the hammer shank is mounted , absorbs enough of the energy of the returning hammer to act as a check .
20 The abolition of development charges was made on the ground that they had proved ‘ too unreliable an instrument to act as the lynch-pin of a permanent settlement ’ .
21 Speculation that the Prime Minister is looking for an experienced figure to act as an advisor follows Norman Lamont 's devastating resignation speech last week .
22 But here too we are invited to start with a limiting or ideal-type case to serve as a reference point for mixed cases .
23 Detinue , with its procedural disadvantages , wilted considerably under this treatment though it retained a place in the law because inability to redeliver as a result of loss or destruction of the goods could not amount to a positive denial of title for the purposes of conversion .
24 On the table by the head of the bed there was a flat shell to serve as an ashtray , and three books : a collection of ghost stories , an old Bible and a large thin volume entitled The Beauties of Nature .
25 They do in fact own almost literally nothing , except the house , and a few acres of the surrounding woodland to serve as a no-man's-land between them and the world .
26 As far as age is concerned , a person who has reached 18 has the legal capacity to contract as an individual .
27 invites the Bar Council to support as a matter of urgency the need for the strengthening of the statutory remedies and sanctions in relation to racial discrimination and for the adoption of specific legislation to combat racial harassment ;
28 Rothstein deemed that the Act violated the First Amendment 's guarantee of freedom of expression , and stated that " in order for the flag to endure as a symbol of freedom in this nation , we must protect with equal vigour the right to destroy it and the right to wave it " .
29 Henry Calverley , a friend of the family , asked for the arrow to use as a trophy and it was given to him on condition he solemnly promised not to reveal its origin .
30 The value of land is estimated by comparison with the value of similar land in the locality , provided there is sufficient evidence from recent sales for the valuer to use as a base .
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