Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] that at [art] " in BNC.

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1 His failure to appreciate that at the time is no more than a commentary on the absence of knowledge about child abuse generally among social workers .
2 The period within which the charge is vulnerable is two years after its creation and there is no need to show that at the time the charge was created the company was insolvent .
3 It is the users responsibility to ensure that at the time of the next offline run , the specified terminal is connected and not logged in — the offline system will not allocate a terminal to itself if it is already allocated to another VAX/VMS process .
4 Where a court is considering whether a provision does or does not cover X the rule will not admit the parliamentary history of the provision to demonstrate that at no stage in the parliamentary proceedings was there any suggestion that the provision covered X. It remains to be seen how long judges in the United Kingdom will be able to require negative evidence from parliamentary material to establish that an admissible statement is an expression of parliamentary intention , but exclude such evidence as an aid to construction .
5 It will probably not surprise the reader to learn that at the outset of the course serious gaps in participants ' knowledge were identified .
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