Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( Note , though , that once prices have risen , people will need more money to conduct the same amount of transactions . )
2 This will give people the opportunity to see the same actors play three different parts , and it will give me that essential ingredient of a good farce : strong ensemble acting . ’
3 I suppose it 's too much to expect a senior Queen 's Counsel to work the same hours as ordinary folk , ’ Bragg said grumpily .
4 Yesterday Sudbury chairman Iain Hook said the club 's case was based on the fact the division four clubs had a greater need for support as a result of their geographical locations and inability to attract the same amount of outside backing as top clubs .
5 Both the phosphorylation of receptors and their absence means that it takes more of the drug to obtain the same effect .
6 more money to provide the same level of service .
7 Where two tractors are of equal power , the heavier will probably need to be in a lower gear to pull the same weight .
8 ( make ) Both in the same script : the difference in the attempt to spell the same word indicates fairly clearly a weak visual memory .
9 The Japanese know only too well of the dangers that can be posed by Hong Kong 's ‘ expatriate ’ rugby community in their bid to tread the same path for the next World Cup .
10 He admires the work of the PFA and wants his association to win the same respect .
11 The Cambridge based project forms the ‘ umbrella ’ to wider collaborative research in which several independently financed groups will work in other countries using a similar methodology to address the same issues .
12 Thus , he claims IBM 's act of tearing up its price list was a purely symbolic gesture , simply an attempt to keep the same situation going .
13 Scientists have been holding a one-day strike in an attempt to get the same pay as their European colleagues .
14 As we shall see , the attempt to employ the same concepts to describe quite different tasks was a common phenomenon among young nationalists .
15 When Alison had pushed him he 'd started to gather the momentum to ask the same questions that were obsessing Forester — apparently not the reaction she 'd expected , judging from the way that she seemed to have slammed the lid back on the mixture before it could boil over .
16 However welcome Bourdieu 's analysis of consumers may be when contrasted to the more common attempt to explain the same material as a simple expression of business interests , the book 's impact is not enhanced by its entirely ignoring the sphere of production .
17 The more times we successfully complete a manoeuvre , the more opportunity we are giving the mind to reproduce the same movements .
18 For the museum to attract the same visitors more than once there must be some evidence of change . ’
19 Furthermore , of course , if the government did possess an important informational advantage there would be a strong incentive for the private sector to obtain the same information , so one might expect the advantage to be gradually eroded .
20 This capacity to generate the same response to part of a pattern as to the whole of it is one of the merits of network systems ( see chapter 7 ) .
21 Iraq , it said , would not yield before arrogance and terrorism , and called upon the Security Council to use the same criterion for dealing with all the problems of the region .
22 You can buy a strong slim trowel to do the same job and there are several on the market .
23 Equation ( 6.17 ) implies that dividends are a constant proportion of share wealth ( P0 ) and are set at exactly the level necessary to enable that share wealth to deliver the same dividend in all future periods .
24 To be religious in such a way is to understand theology to have the same relation to the past as do all other human disciplines .
25 The problem of volume storage is compounded by the need to refresh the screen at the equivalent of 25 frames each second to achieve the same effect as television video .
26 Next , he says , SBUs may well form alliances outside the corporate group to obtain the same benefits as could be obtained by internal linkages while retaining more control over their situation .
27 If we do as the Russians want and hand over all these prisoners to them whether or not the prisoners are willing to go back to Russia , we are … sending some of them to their death ; and although in war we can not , as you point out … afford to be sentimental , I confess that I find the prospect somewhat revolting , and I should expect public opinion to reflect the same feeling
28 This pioneering work on G201 has led the fluoropolymers business to apply the same techniques to other ‘ Fluon ’ grades .
29 Words other than the target word in the position were left unaltered , regardless of their recognition score to retain the same degree of branching for the different lattices .
30 In these circumstances I thought it would better serve the interests of air safety generally if a properly appointed accredited representative had the right to do the same thing .
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