Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mary had lost both parents , her husband and two children within the space of ten years , and had not had the opportunity to acknowledge any of the effect this had on her .
2 He also planned an archaeological park to embrace most of the classical monuments inside the city .
3 When Christine Osborne travelled 4,348 kilometers across Australia on the Indian-Pacific she met some down-to-earth characters and had the opportunity to see some of the country 's most remote mining centres .
4 We decided we ought to give people the opportunity to see some of the water meadow .
5 The presentations of the results followed the same format as last year and journalists invited to Blackfriars were given the opportunity to sample some of the own brand products introduced into stores in 1992/93 .
6 Anyway , one day at a time : tomorrow I go to Durham and , as Mother said ’ — she pursed her lips now — ‘ it will give me an opportunity to wear some of the clothes I have been spending my money on .
7 The reorganisation presented an opportunity to redress some of the old inequalities .
8 This leaves the Metropolitan with one last hope to secure some of the most urgently needed Sharp items before their dispersal , either by private purchase or by gift .
9 The following morning there will be an opportunity to tour some of the local cultural attractions in informal groups .
10 But at a meeting of Cheshire 's Police Committee yesterday , councillors made a unanimous decision to find half of the money out of the county council 's reserves .
11 But at a meeting of Cheshire 's Police Committee yesterday , councillors made a unanimous decision to find half of the money out of the county council 's reserves .
12 There was a willingness to accept most of the new social and economic measures but to administer them as tightly as possible and to cut the cost of government .
13 I very much appreciated the opportunity to meet some of the hon. Gentleman 's constituents in a delegation .
14 The centre of Newbald was made a conservation area in an attempt to preserve some of the more attractive features of the village .
15 A range of objectives for watershed experiments was identified by Ward ( 1971 ) and these extend from specific black box approaches to comprehensive studies in which there is an attempt to monitor many of the processes operating within a small area .
16 She is the successor of the great russian musician Samuel Feinberg , the first Soviet pianist to perform all of the Well-Tempered Clavier in concert , and Nikolayeva 's conception of work is pure , simple , lucid yet varied , romantic and at times highly individual .
17 Most departments received a number of suggestions for changes which they could implement immediately and , consequently , I visited the school towards the end of the summer term to interview many of the staff , particularly heads of department , about any changes which had resulted .
18 Despite OSF 's attempt to harmonise some of the products based upon its technology , it has come too late to net some of the larger fish .
19 The current emphasis on systems analysis tends to hide this fact , yet in both Konrad Lorenz 's famous hydraulic model and Niko Tinbergen 's attempt to relate this to the functioning nervous system no feedback loops at all were incorporated .
20 But he had resolved , when he first took up his great task , that , if God spared his life , before many years he would cause the boy that drove the plough to know more of the Scripture than the ignorant parish clergy of his time .
21 There are several accounts of the events of this crucial period in the history of British ‘ race relations ’ : what follows is an attempt to highlight some of the features which I feel are pertinent to a discussion of ‘ racial problem ’ films of the era .
22 But this booklet is a serious attempt to highlight some of the questions which are most frequently asked about the role which alcohol plays in society .
23 The public rebuke of Sununu was also widely interpreted as a deliberate attempt to undercut some of the authority of his powerful Chief of Staff .
24 There is a fairly obvious way in which the extreme naive inductivist position criticized in the previous section can be weakened in an attempt to counter some of the criticism .
25 It may also be for the benefit of the institution to state that of the patients discharged , cured and remaining in the House three were afflicted with that most excruciating complaint , the stone … the operation has been thrice successfully performed .
26 There was some attempt by friends of Highlander to purchase some of the books etc. at the auction but the buildings and most of the moveable assets were lost .
27 The mayor of Yeravan used his official car to evacuate some of the wounded .
28 The police came to the college to arrest some of the students .
29 Social class and rural-urban contrasts , and different relations with British colonial states and education systems , are very likely to be involved as causal influences here , and Swann could well have commissioned research to explore some of the underlying issues .
30 It would be wrong , however , to think that Callaghan 's speech was dreamed up on the spur of the moment , in an attempt to steal some of the educational clothes of his political opponents .
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