Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [pers pn] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Because it was quite obviously more than probable that all Ven meant by that last remark was that , having driven her to Prague , he felt it his responsibility to drive her back to Mariánské Láznë again .
2 But I have n't the heart to drive him back to the warren .
3 He was busy in the bottom of the second punt , and when he climbed out of it he cut the rope securing the first punt with his sword , and then used his foot to launch it out across the water .
4 ‘ Someone in his financial position could easily have got a doctor 's certificate to pull him out of tournaments but to his credit he never even considered it . ’
5 Laughton is in a hole and the players as professional sportsmen have a responsibility to pull him out of it .
6 Sinn Fein failed in an attempt to co-opt him on to the council on Wednesday night .
7 Switch on and move the appropriate levers on the banks of controllers , and the children come running out of the house , little pink-cheeked creatures half an inch high , who turn to wave at Felicity as she comes out on the terrace to see them off to school .
8 Phil , his ever-cheerful self , telling me he has stood up his girlfriend to see me through till the end .
9 ( Copies of old rugs sometimes include the original date and signature , but there is rarely any attempt to pass them off as originals ; even if there were , other indicators of age would make such deceit obvious . )
10 ‘ It 's an awful thing to say , but the revenue to pull us out of this recession has to come from somewhere , ’ she said .
11 ‘ It 's an awful thing to say , but the revenue to pull us out of this recession has to come from somewhere , ’ she said .
12 The water start uses the force of the wind to pull you out of the water and , when performed properly , is a faster and more efficient means of starting on all types of board .
13 This consisted of enrolling one 's child in a private playschool , which sent a car to pick him up in the morning and deposit him back on his own doorstep in the late afternoon .
14 Rufus tries to arrange a car to pick them up in Bermondsey but he 's having no luck .
15 Then Kurt has to shell out a considerable amount of money , maybe $25,000 , for the first class plane seats so that Courtney can fly home lying down and a specially appointed ambulance to pick her up at LA airport .
16 Twelve years after the Republicans moved into the White House and 13 months after the Arkansas governor launched his long-shot bid to win it back for the Democrats , the man on the defensive was Mr Bush .
17 So while it was wrong for the IRA to let off bombs in Northern Ireland it was quite all right for the DGSE to let them off in New Zealand .
18 McAllister awoke to find him above her again , put her arms around his neck to draw him down to her , but he shook his head .
19 She had half a mind to put him back in his box and sit on the lid .
20 It could n't do any harm to put it off until tomorrow .
21 Fearing pre-election jitters would make things worse for French collectors this year , organisers Daniel Gervis and Florence Benhaim also changed the dates of the Salon to put it on after France 's two-round General Election on 21 and 28 March .
22 Might it have happened that she met a horse drawn set on its way to day , and that she squeezed herself against the tunnel wall in a vain attempt to let it by without harm to herself ?
23 It has been decided to play the tape in an attempt to entice them out of the enclosed channel .
24 Vacation time Francis arranged for him to caddy at the Lyford Cay club to keep him out of trouble .
25 As the technical programmes evolved , they gave rise to commercial activities — such as selling fuel elements and graphite to the civil power stations — and as these matured it became the practice to spin them off as separate entities or to transfer the technology and the responsibility to commercial organisations .
26 Shiona thought disapprovingly , as she crossed to the coffee-maker to switch it on for herself .
27 He made a last desperate attempt to sway them back to him .
28 It catapults grains of sand at passing ants in an attempt to knock them down into the pit and eat them .
29 In the meantime , the hole in the road is reopened , and at 6pm the men line up by the side of the maypole , the band starts to play and the command to hoist it on to shoulders is given .
30 There 's a little tiny bit to tinker with , but it 's not if we were to , we , we 're canvassing at pressed about altering the length of the lunchtime break to break it down from an hour and a half and an hour and a quarter to an hour and a quarter to an hour which is being we would save some money on not paying our
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