Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [art] new [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This led to battles with senior management who questioned the status of the policy decision to implement the new system .
2 One disadvantage of the departure from the planned scheme was , of course , the loss of the opportunity to compare the new pathway students with their colleagues continuing on a traditional course .
3 Public open days were planned to enable all who helped raise money to see the new unit when it was ready for use .
4 Loughborough University has built a test rig to compare the new glazing , which Alpine is making .
5 Aran has set up an ICL division to accommodate the new business , which will be run by ex-Transaction Point employees .
6 For the Profitboss it is an opportunity to provide a new challenge to Steve Lockhart , the graduate trainee in Personnel who 's won the confidence of the line management in engineering .
7 Familiarisation of all health care workers with changes in policy and the background of research and development and aims of policy would eliminate some of the frustrations and create a more supportive environment for Health Care Workers who are involved in implementing new policies acknowledging the need for change to meet the new challenges .
8 And expertise gained has enabled the university to launch a new MSc course in shellfish biology , fisheries and culture — due to take its first students in the coming academic year .
9 But tour manager Geoff Cooke and his players insisted the penalty award by Australian referee Brian Kinsey was a mistake along with the decision to grant the New Zealanders a second-minute try .
10 Indeed , he was extremely furious and led the fight to establish a new body and was present at the first meeting of the British Deaf and Dumb Association in Leeds in 1890 .
11 As well as using the grant to provide a new cafe and shop , the association is also planning to stage a new exhibition at Thiepval using the latest state-of-the-art audio-visual technology to tell the Ulstermen 's story .
12 The founding instrument may be a royal charter ( BBC or the research councils ) ; a Treasury Minute ( University Grants Committee ) ; the articles of a non-profit company ( National Consumer Council ) ; or , more humbly , but apparently almost as effectively , a mere Answer in the House , a memorandum from the Minister to himself , a wave of the hand , or whatever else may signify a decision to establish a new body ( Schools Council , Technician and Business Education Councils and that unusual ‘ central–local government voluntary ’ body , the Women 's Royal Voluntary Service ) .
13 The main motivation is the opportunity to meet a new audience , who have a friendly relationship with foreigners , especially in deep Russia .
14 Normally we have three or four months between the decision to launch a new product and the actual launch date .
15 8.3 To make payments following disclaimer If this Lease shall be disclaimed and for any reason the Landlord does not require the Guarantor to accept a new Lease of the Premises in accordance with clause 8.2 the Guarantor shall pay to the Landlord on demand an amount equal to [ the difference between any money received by the Landlord for the use or occupation of the Premises and ] the rents [ in both cases ] for the period commencing with the date of such Disclaimer and ending on whichever is the earlier of the following dates :
16 At fourteen she 's won a Charlie Chaplin Lookalike contest to publicise a new film on his life .
17 Herr Hans-Ludwig Zachert , head of the federal criminal police , warns of the immediate need to organise a European police force to combat a new breed of international criminal for whom the Schengen agreement — under which France , Germany , Italy , Spain , Portugal and the Benelux countries have agreed to drop border controls — creates the ideal working environment .
18 The suppression of trade union and democratic rights by the military authorities is reflected in their attempt to impose a new trade union law in the absence of leaders , thus violating international conventions and agreements , including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , to which Sudan is a signatory .
19 Although the reforms had the support of the Tsar and in 1667–68 a church council anathematized those who refused to conform , the attempt to impose the new liturgy by force proved unsuccessful .
20 The Teesside Development Corporation says talks are continuing in a bid to find a new location for Hartlepool 's Clarence Road bus depot .
21 Was it really Guru Nanak 's intention to found a new religion , or even a new religious community ?
22 What is more , any forecast about the way in which industry will develop within the United Kingdom and the European Community in the remainder of this century suggests that national prosperity will depend to an increasing extent on the successful skilling up of the national work force to meet the new demands that will be made by industry , technology , the professions and academia .
23 At the back of the platform was a fence , and although it had apparently been painted white in the early 1900's , in later years the paint had peeled off and bushes had grown up on the cutting side to provide a new backdrop to the isolated platform beside the overgrown railway .
24 Word has it that an unlikely combination of forces have come together in a bid to establish a new standard for installing Unix software from graphical user interfaces and will be showing their stuff next month 's Uniforum show in San Francisco .
25 Greece was obliged this spring to accept the new country 's admission to the United Nations with ‘ Macedonia ’ in its name , and the New Democracy rebels swallowed their fury when they realised that voting against the government would cause an election their party would probably lose .
26 Gloucester went on to the final that season while Gosforth merged with the Newcastle club to create a new force in northern rugby … this season they lead the second division … they 're unbeaten too … so Gloucester are up against it
27 It also takes the Treasury to task over its intention to create a new offence which will be committed by any person acting in the course of any trade , business or profession who does not report his money laundering suspicions .
28 At the heart of the Dearing Report 's proposals for a new system for setting accounting standards is an attempt to create a new alliance between accountancy and the law to improve the quality of financial reporting .
29 The second approach was the attempt to create a new class of ‘ master farmer ’ .
30 For example , in his attempt to lead a new life , he attributes any success he may have had in conquering lust , anger or pride to God 's grace , a very specifically Christian idea ; and this is a full fifteen months before his conversion to Christianity .
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