Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] back [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There will be a growing need for experienced businesspeople to go back to school .
2 ‘ You were only doing it for yourself , using it as an excuse to go back in time and relive old memories . ’
3 The machine was n't fit for this purpose so he had to good case to go back to Dixons and ask either for a replacement or his money back .
4 Having made a tentative decision to come back to nursing , it would be similarly useful to compare your reasons for doing so in the light of the previous exercise .
5 As she was treated in hospital , the terrified teenager had confessed : ‘ I do n't know if I will have the nerve to go back to work .
6 And then sailed from Montreal , I was going to go back my , it was my intention to go back to New York , but I changed my mind at Montreal and sailed down the St Lawrence from Montreal , back to Glasgow .
7 He wants Garry to go back to Berenice , and it 's important he does go , at once . ’
8 ‘ Asking the superintendent to come back after lunch ? ’
9 Whitlock paused in the doorway to look back at Rachel .
10 The Marshal would see it only as an attempt to get back at Ebert .
11 Over the past few months , governments have been considering action to cut back on emissions of greenhouse gases .
12 Thank you President and Congress for granting me the honour to report back on behalf of the ten G M B Members in the European Parliament .
13 It 's still sixteen , Joe Joe said he did nay reckon he 's going to get the management to shift back to October
14 The way was open for the Cabinet committee to get back to work .
15 An active member of the police Superintendents Association , Mr McLean says that at a recent meeting disgust was expressed at the Met 's failure to hit back at criticism of this kind — such as the comment by Bernie Grant , MP for Tottenham , that the divisional chief in his constituency was ‘ incompetent . ’
16 There is no need to go back to square one ; just a few steps backward is all that is needed .
17 They were delighted and arranged a reception for him in a studio formerly occupied by Chagall , who had left France before the war to go back to Russia to get married .
18 If , by then , it is obvious that there is plenty of room to turn back into wind and land , this is the sensible thing to do .
19 And because this phrase has been much abused and misunderstood , it may be useful at this point to refer back to Erikson , to whom we owe it in the first place .
20 With one final intimate raking of her naked form as if unable to help himself , he allowed the curtain to swish back into place .
21 I was feeling the need to get back to bed and to sleep .
22 ‘ Would not your children like a nice pet to take back to England ? ’
23 What I do want is some wine to take back to school tomorrow , oh er I mean
24 They wandered off to the north-east a bit but not badly enough to get really lost , and after a while made a correction to drift back to north .
25 The union is constantly looking out for ways like this to show promoters , record companies and the rest of the music industry the right way to treat musicians , and to remind the business yet again of their responsibility to put back into music just a small part of the rewards which they enjoy , thanks to the skills of musicians .
26 A slow retrieve , occasionally stopping to allow the bait to sink back to depth , then speeding up to run the bait to the surface working the bait as a lure or wobbled bait would be , the difference is that on this occasion you could be doing it at 150 yards from the bank and an area never covered by bankside wobblers .
27 ‘ I only hope I get the chance to come back against Crusaders next week , ’ said the Scottish based goal ace .
28 The company would retaliate with a double gang , one gang to decoy the landlords ' men to drinks in the nearest pub , the other to put back to rails to let the train through .
29 My dad said he 'd buy me a ticket to fly back to England and David said that he 'd pay him back because he 'd be very happy if I could come back and help him as he did n't really know how to deal with his mother 's grief .
30 Well if you do it 'll give us a chance to find out whether he 's coming home today or tomorrow , and it 'll give your mum a chance to get back to Southwold
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