Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 An important motivator for units to apply for trust status was the freedom to borrow from the public and private sectors to finance capital investment .
2 What a relief for Great Britain that Gregory has agreed to tour and gone back on his original decision to retire from the international scene .
3 ‘ Photo ’ regulating — it allows the skin to benefit from the positive effects of daytime whilst preventing the formation of free radicals .
4 The creation of the Comintern gave them an opportunity to exclude from the Labour Party , for the first time , Marxists who wished to join it .
5 Cattle stealing provided certain groups in rural areas with an opportunity to benefit from the economic changes along the coast and in the central highlands , but it did not long survive as an organized business once a district was penetrated deeply by plantations .
6 In these circumstances those of us who have benefited from the excellence of Somerville and Oxford must surely do what we can to ensure that future generations may also have the opportunity to benefit from the privileged education that we enjoyed .
7 AS FOR the government 's negotiating strategy , Harkabi forecast that nothing would scare the ‘ extremists ’ like a readiness to talk from the other side .
8 I pull my battledress jacket over my head in a forlorn attempt to escape from the tiny tormentors ; sleep is impossible .
9 We have clear descriptions of Charles from his chroniclers and contemporaries ; he is probably the first powerful figure to emerge from the Dark Ages as a completely documented ruler .
10 One is North Korea 's declared intention to withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT ) after the demand of the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) to inspect sites which Pyongyang says are non-nuclear .
11 It seems to me that , in this respect , we have a great deal to learn from the best American schools .
12 Turning to the labour market comparison suggested above , Friedman allows for rates of growth in the short run to deviate from the natural rate .
13 Consequently , if young children really do lack the ability to handle explanations , their capacity to benefit from the early years of schooling will be severely restricted .
14 Why , unicyle hockey of course : yes this is the latest sport to come from the playing fields , or grounds , of Oxford .
15 Undoubtedly the most important publication to emerge from the whole study was ‘ The Flora of Uig ( Lewis ) ’ ( Ed .
16 Once Clifford had departed Palmer set to work to wring from the central government a series of concessions which , had he succeeded in obtaining them all , would have converted Northern Nigeria into a separate state .
17 Often too a local document might be used as a springboard , as starter material allowing the teacher to work from the known and familiar locality to the wider historical context .
18 Although the main group to benefit from the new law are the families of asbestos sufferers , the reform also affects workers dying from other forms of industrial illness , nuclear test victims and people fatally injured in road and medical accidents .
19 Neither the post-Stalin ‘ thaw ’ , nor as yet Gorbachev 's perestroika , has led the historical establishment to depart from the basic propositions of the Marxist-Leninist interpretation .
20 However , the job itself , as we have already noted , is rarely the cause of disenchantment with agriculture — indeed , in a decade that has seen a renewed interest in the countryside among young people and a growing desire to escape from the urban rat-race , agriculture could have much to offer .
21 The most conspicuous group to emerge from the 947 names on the Prime Minister 's list — about 30 more than usual — are key figures in the traumatic aftermath to the terrorist bombing of Pan-Am 's Flight 103 over Lockerbie last December .
22 A progressive tax on the more productive regions and peasants might have been more just and welcome from the political point of view , but it was not applied for fear of removing the incentive to sow from the better-placed peasants .
23 It is thus precisely through a clearly registered refusal to withdraw from the day-to-day pleasures of thinking , listening , looking and feeling that the sensual references within these paintings remain anchored within socially experienced and theoretically informed sensibilities .
24 B arcelona will be Mota 's last major championship run and she wants it to be the perfect platform to retire from the international scene .
25 If people told me that was all well and good but if they did n't , but I did hear about this erm er she did the operation on the girl who er who could n't get rid of her baby , and then it , she lo she sent she sent a telegram to her husband or a letter er it took a long while to come from the Far East , he was in the Far East .
26 it gives people a chance to come from the surrounding area , have a beer , relax , and still look for a job
27 It 's the start of the Falcons ' year ; training for next season 's displays and a unique chance to jump from the second biggest plane in the world , courtesy of the US Airforce .
28 Ken Gilbert , area manager Water & Ventilation was challenged by a friend to walk from the Irish Sea to the North Sea last winter .
29 The chance to escape from the daily drudgery in the pits must have been more than attractive .
30 Another significant development to emerge from the latest session of the Commission , held in March 1991 , was its decision to establish a Working Group on arbitrary detention .
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