Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] the new [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This led to battles with senior management who questioned the status of the policy decision to implement the new system .
2 One disadvantage of the departure from the planned scheme was , of course , the loss of the opportunity to compare the new pathway students with their colleagues continuing on a traditional course .
3 Public open days were planned to enable all who helped raise money to see the new unit when it was ready for use .
4 Loughborough University has built a test rig to compare the new glazing , which Alpine is making .
5 Aran has set up an ICL division to accommodate the new business , which will be run by ex-Transaction Point employees .
6 Although the reforms had the support of the Tsar and in 1667–68 a church council anathematized those who refused to conform , the attempt to impose the new liturgy by force proved unsuccessful .
7 Greece was obliged this spring to accept the new country 's admission to the United Nations with ‘ Macedonia ’ in its name , and the New Democracy rebels swallowed their fury when they realised that voting against the government would cause an election their party would probably lose .
8 Last year was the first real attempt to recognise the new energy around in the visual arts .
9 The Government is likely to snatch at this vagueness in an attempt to discredit the new image of moderation Labour is keen to promote .
10 I leaned over the rail to inspect the new scratch in Wavebreaker 's paint .
11 In that case , the small publisher invests money to own the new writer 's copyrights .
12 On a recent visit to the Imperial War Museum to see the new display relating to the Home Front , I could scarcely believe that the tiny quantities of food represented by the plastic replicas were really the weekly allowances by which we kept together body , soul and fighting spirit .
13 In many schools , teachers are spending their spare time fund-raising and making equipment to support the new Curriculum .
14 The plan to create the new party , composed of the ruling Democratic Justice Party ( DJP ) and the country 's second- and third-largest opposition groupings ( the Reunification Democratic Party — RDP — and the New Democratic Republican Party — NDRP ) , had been announced on Jan. 22 , after a series of secret negotiations [ see pp. 37187-88 ] .
15 Ma'am when sir when this when this road when these when it is dualled , it will have compl adequate capacity to serve the new settlement and will be the only radial route around Greater York which could do so satisfactorily .
16 Visitors will have their first opportunity to experience the new system when the castle opens on 3 April .
17 Although France had a railway line from the coalfield of Saint Etienne to Lyons in 1832 , it too was slow to develop a national network , partly because of governmental reluctance to embrace the new form of transportation and also because the economy remained predominantly agricultural and the road system was more efficient and extensive than Britain 's .
18 All have a right to see the new architecture planned for their town .
19 A transitional period to establish the new republic would last until March 1994 .
20 His senior aides are convinced they can speed up the Maastricht ratification process to meet the new deadline .
21 A recurring word used by booksellers in the UK contacted by The Bookseller to characterise the new system was ‘ nightmare ’ .
22 In a management buy-out , the relationship between the banker and the management team differs from a normal corporate relationship in that the banker has a special need to understand the new business and its ability to pay back the monies lent .
23 If the stick becomes obstructed that tells you that there is a diversion and you must dig at that point to determine the new direction .
24 Pound and Clements ' Phytogeography of Nebraska of 1898 became a standard text for American botany , and Clements ' Research Methods in Ecology of 1905 was the first textbook to describe the new methodology .
25 The recognition in the 1820s of the new Latin-American republics as independent states is said to have increased the workload of the British foreign office by a half , while in the later decades of the nineteenth century commercial and economic diplomacy and the need to influence the new force of mass public opinion were making new and unprecedented demands .
26 When Charlie wheeled the brand-new barrow on to his granpa 's pitch the following morning , Mr Dunkley came out of the fish and chip shop to admire the new acquisition .
27 In a corner of the Salon Imperial of the Hotel Intercontinental , Paris , Harriet Varna braced her back against a statuesque pillar and looked steadily into the viewfinder of her camera , concentrating on her subjects so fiercely that she was almost oblivious to the electric atmosphere that surrounded her , bouncing off the Viennese décor and the sumptuous rococo ceiling along with the heat and the light as the models of the House of Saint Laurent moved gracefully along the hundred yards of catwalk to display the new season 's couture collection .
28 The company has named Ronald Stanczak , assistant vice president of the Cooperative Marketing Division inside NCR 's US Marketing Group to head the new organisation .
29 It followed pleas for enough cash to prevent the new council tax becoming a disaster of poll tax proportions .
30 There are enough big money players cut down in their prime to give the new boy nightmares .
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