Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] the [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 The grateful colonists used the opportunity to expropriate the cattle and other assets of the fugitives .
2 James placed two dishes of kidneys in champagne and mushroom catsup sauce on the table while Algernon and Heinrich faced the organised maelstrom of the kitchen to gather the quails and cutlets for the remove .
3 Adam Smith believed that competition among capitalists would give the public the opportunity to compare the quality and prices of goods , so that producers who were inefficient or who charged excessive prices would be put out of business .
4 The Countryside Council has set aside money to continue the survey and Rhuddlan Borough is being asked to contribute £2,500 .
5 Er my Lord it 's rather a complicated of transaction and the the essential heading this case was that he failed to advise in relation to title er the person who goes from with respect to a land transaction he 's entitled to expect that the lawyer investigates the state of entitlement to arrange the matter and to explain to the trial exactly what that is , what it is that is portrayed by the state of the title .
6 in Gloucester navigator Ade Jeffries has been on a crash course to lose the fat and get fit …
7 The Shirleys built Wiston in the 1570s , worked effectively in raising money to support the Armada and then went broke , as did one branch of the Pelhams at Buckstepe .
8 The technical benefits of 2D processing in real time include early prospect delineation and basic exploration interpretation , 3D data acquisition quality assurance and the development of a knowledge base to assure the quality and accelerate the delivery of the fully processed 3D data set .
9 Clearly USL will argue that CSRG staff gave themselves permission to commercialise the system and will doubtless note a violation of the university 's established code of ethics which requires university personnel with a financial interest in a university decision to disqualify themselves .
10 The parties will then have an opportunity to attend the hearing and make representations before the court makes a final decision .
11 I 'm just annoyed that so many Liverpudlians will be denied the opportunity to support the lads and frighten the life out of the Russians .
12 My father come up to school , he come up there on a bike to see the schoolmaster and get me out to get a load of hay home .
13 These were perceived as tools of management , [ who ] were only interested in productivity and in milking as much as possible out of their work force and were thus responded to by a work force who were determined to ensure that their rewards were as high as possible , and thus there was a perceived necessity to fool the time and motion man .
14 We need some of the younger , newly retired to come and join us in the fight to restore the dignity and security that should be there for everyone in the autumn of their lives .
15 They can be installed by taking out one layer of bricks ( so you 'll have to cut through a wall — make sure it 's suitable ! ) ; or they can be installed in a corner , or in an alcove , with a surrounded flat fascia , in which case you 'll need to build a timber framework to support the niche and hold the fascia .
16 Fred MacMurray was easy-going and a pleasure to work with ; Herbert Marshall was , as usual , his British self and a great actor ; Edgar Bergen and his dummy made great fun of everything they encountered , and it was an experience to see the manipulation and ventriloquism involved in the Bergen-McCarthy act .
17 Such a solution was found by the government by invoking , with the King 's agreement , a clause in the Constitution dealing with the sovereign 's " incapacity to reign " which empowered parliament to suspend the sovereign and execute his functions .
18 If it is not it will be a waste of time and money to include the gift and it may even be detrimental to your relationship with individual members of the media .
19 Now , Major has an opportunity to redress the balance and , at first sight of his celebratory reshuffle , he does not appear to be squandering it .
20 Rather than having to push onwards all the time there is ample opportunity to absorb the history and geography , spend nights with the River Rats , Scotts Tennessee Artillery Company B of the Confederate Army and the jousting tents of ordinary American campers , be brushed by the cultures of Mark Twain , Elvis Presley , jazz , country and Cajun music , the Mormons and many more , to feed alligators from a boat , meet Delta pirogues and be blasted by phenomenal thunderstorms .
21 Two separate grounds were advanced in support of the claim , namely , ( 1 ) the broad constitutional point that as the Commissioners of Customs and Excise had no authority from Parliament to impose the charges and the corporation were under no legal liability to pay them the latter should be entitled to recover , and ( 2 ) that the condictio indebiti applied where there was error in the interpretation of a public general statute .
22 The club holds regular social functions including wine and cheese parties and receptions for visiting companies which give members an opportunity to meet the actors and actresses .
23 There was then the opportunity to meet the captain and crew and to find out a little bit more as to how the plane was able to fly at such a phenomenal speed .
24 Today even the most fervent opponents of union with Canada admit that the move brought its blessings , including money to pave the roads and all the benefits of a welfare state .
25 In our temperate climate , land use can be divided into four main categories : arable areas , where crops such as cereals and legumes can be grown , generally well drained and fertile with relatively easily worked soils ; at most times in the past rotation was employed , alternating one crop with another , and crops with pasture where cattle , sheep , goats , horses and so on grazed ; meadowland where hay was grown for winter fodder ; and woodland to provide the wood and timber .
26 But if they wish to exploit s381 Taxes Act 1988 ( " TA 1988 " ) , which enables losses of a trade sustained in the first three or four years to be carried back to entitle individuals to repayments of income tax paid in preceding years , they may instead form a partnership to acquire the assets and business .
27 They also introduced the heavy plough to cultivate the claylands and no doubt this encouraged the development of strong draught animals in those areas .
28 Local residents have been pressing for action to curb the speed and behaviour of some drivers .
29 This gives a warming effect to stimulate the microcirculation and aids penetration of the other active ingredients .
30 This was the third serious attempt to kill the Emperor and , as in the other two , the perpetrators were Italians .
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