Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] the [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 In this context the authors note that ‘ equalizing ’ income differentials ( higher income to compensate for the lower attractiveness of some jobs ) are normally swamped by ‘ accentuating ’ differentials ( such as status and recognition following high income ) .
2 ‘ It is difficult to judge how far this attempt to appeal to the baser sort is dictated by the mere desire to be re-elected ( which , though by no means admirable , is , we suppose , understandable enough ) , rather than by any firm conviction ; or how far a re-elected Tory government would seek to put these detestable principles into practice .
3 She does not expect her readers to accept her own conclusions verbatim , but urges them to make a similar creative attempt to listen for the deeper implications of the Christian message , to reach through the dogmas and intellectual propositions , which can never do justice to the ineffable mystery of the divine , and touch the heart of the faith .
4 But even at this date the alteration in emphasis can only have been a conscious attempt to attune to the wider audience , if still at that time mainly within Bavaria , which was beginning to show interest in Hitler in 1923 , and an awareness that anti-Marxism had a wider potential appeal than the mere repetition of anti-Jewish paroxysms of hate .
5 In Chapter 14 we saw that risky activities on average will need to earn a higher rate of return to compensate for the higher risks involved .
6 For the course seeks not only to prepare graduates for immediate employment in a range of positions within publishing but also to provide them with the intellectual equipment to become in the longer term the managers , the decision-makers and strategy-formulators .
7 Only if their teacher were with them were they allowed to cross the dusty lane to play on the greater green , for Miss Watson was a woman who had no doubt at all that each and every pupil would be run over and either maimed or killed outright if she were not there to keep an eye on their movements .
8 Indeed the need to know about the earlier and later stages of a child 's education becomes imperative when schools have to plan the next stage of learning on the basis of achievement so far , when teachers have to evaluate and — if appropriate — change their own teaching , when parents have to be told in detail how their children are progressing and when LEAs , parents and governors have to have information which allows the performance of the school as a whole to be evaluated .
9 But criticism of the package , which will end the barristers ' monopoly right to appear in the higher courts and transfer a huge chunk of the High Court 's caseload to the county courts , was considerably less strident than when the original green paper proposals were debated last April .
10 A progressive tax on the more productive regions and peasants might have been more just and welcome from the political point of view , but it was not applied for fear of removing the incentive to sow from the better-placed peasants .
11 Failure to push through the higher taxes would have a serious impact on Labour 's plans to raise extra revenue to pay for improved social benefits , such as higher pensions and child benefit .
12 Another ‘ scholarship girl ’ was shamefully treated by the rest of us because of her ( very slight ) Cockney accent , her generally ‘ non-U ’ turns of phrase , and her inability to deal with the simpler points of etiquette , whether at table or in the classroom .
13 Waqar has always preferred to pitch well up , even before the new bouncer restriction , giving the ball a chance to swing over the greater distance .
14 Additional staffing will also be needed in higher education to respond to the wider range of demand .
15 Experience has shown that the 1110st suitable basis for comparison in this detection scheme is the current rise time ( the time taken for the current to rise from the lower to the upper limit of the chopping excursion ) , because this time is relatively immune to the influence of motional voltage , as illustrated by the Example at the end of this Section .
16 The House of Lords held , in effect , that since the applicant was arguing that he had a contractual right under his lease to remain at the lower rent , he was asserting private law rights and so could raise the defence in the possession proceedings in the County Court and did not have to raise it by means of an AJR .
17 Much of their propaganda was produced in a popular idiom , such as poems and broadsides , clearly designed for people who might lack the sophistication to cope with the lengthier , more intellectual justifications of Jacobitism .
18 It also wants the Government to look at the wider issue of what happens to British aid and credit going into Ghana .
19 So , on that basis , it makes good sense to start on the bigger warrens .
20 The Royal Scots were the third infantry battalion in the Army to convert from the older FV 432 to Warrior .
21 Now of course from the special school point of view they will say well many efforts are made to attempt to bring community life into the school and to have children erm or give them experiences in the community , so that you provide both a sheltered environment and also the opportunity to learn in the wider community , and this debate is something of a dilemma erm I do n't know that any body can give a definite answer to it .
22 We say , ‘ The sea appears blue ’ and ‘ AB looks shorter than BC ’ because we have reason to refrain from the stronger statement .
23 All these substances have the ability to float from the lower atmosphere ( the troposphere ) into the upper atmosphere ( the stratosphere ) where ozone depletion takes place .
24 However its ability to carry through the wider social and economic issues that are now central to its agenda has yet to be proven .
25 Most respondents interpreted the question as an invitation to comment on the wider issues surrounding the nature and scope of the Compensation Fund , and these are discussed below .
26 And the chairman added : ‘ While we will have to strengthen the squad to compete at the higher level , we are certainly not looking for a lot of new players .
27 The code proposed the creation of a two-tier administrative system to allow for the easier processing of non-controversial mergers and takeovers , the referring of important or unusual cases to a full Takeovers Committee ( which would be renamed the Takeover and Mergers Panel ) , the right of appeal to a new independent Takeovers Appeal Panel , and the retention of 5 per cent as the maximum amount of shares which a person controlling between 35 and 50 per cent of shares in a company could further purchase in any 12-month period .
28 However , there is also evidence the emergence of serious skill shortages in some occupations which may prejudice the county 's ability to prepare for the longer term challenges of the Tunnel and the Single European Market .
29 calls upon the working class to concentrate upon the greater war at hand , namely , the class war .
30 He did not have time to dwell on the finer points of policy detail , and despite Kirk 's Ron-concurrence " he would have to send his telegram .
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