Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , where the tread is below 1.6 mm depth in the middle of the tread and around the circumference of the tyre it is no good the defendant adding up the ‘ bits ’ on either side of the worn part to try to make a good three-quarters .
2 Essex County Council is currently carrying out a feasibility study to try to pinpoint a permanent arts complex for the northern part of the county .
3 Snow-making machines will be blowing out foam-based snow to try to create an early Yuletide atmosphere while trying to tempt shoppers into their stores .
4 There were also fears that Japan planned to do just what America does : use defence spending and research to help build a civil aerospace industry , and thus beat Boeing .
5 The principal objective of this project is to carry out research to help build an intelligent geographical database system .
6 ( Prior to the mass exodus of Albanians to Italy , the Italian government had been thought to be delaying the delivery of food aid to avoid giving a pre-election boost to the communist regime 's popularity . )
7 Sometimes these informal meetings led parents to form a task force to help meet a particular school need — covering library books , repairing and repainting of toys , making simple equipment or assisting teachers with classroom chores .
8 He said the letters and sinister phone call showed that ‘ the unidentified criminals wanted to use their crime to help restore a Nazi dictatorship in Germany ’ .
9 Tyneside Elswick Young Farmers ' group has donated £141 to the Penshaw Riding for the Disabled Association to help buy a mounting ramp for disabled riders .
10 When the idea of a Royal Commission was in circulation , lawyers within the ranks of the Government , notably Sam Silkin , the Attorney General and one of the few front-benchers on either side to have taken a close interest in penal reform , and Alex Lyon , a Minister of State at the Home Office , pressed for the opportunity to be grasped to make an authoritative assessment of the arguments for a public prosecution service independent of the police .
11 All we asked was if it was possible for them to come through Halam and go down School Lane to pick to get an extra bus service at Halam .
12 Carmen Miranda 's image was deliberately used as a vehicle to help consolidate a commercial mnage trois between the Brazilian singer , the US-Latin American ‘ good neighbour ’ policy and the banana .
13 Carmen Miranda 's image was deliberately used as a vehicle to help consolidate a commercial mnage trois between the Brazilian singer , the US-Latin American ‘ good neighbour ’ policy and the banana .
14 TRIUMPHANT villagers have won a battle to keep open an ancient public footpath .
15 The consequences of levelling it , providing a cover for perennial ryegrass and keeping people off — that is , changing it from land requiring little management to land requiring a great deal — needs to be very carefully assessed .
16 Held up in a jam on , say , the M25 we curse the planners for not having the foresight to have built a five-lane motorway joining up to other five-lane motorways .
17 But at the same time the leadership of the organised working class has had neither the imagination nor the capacity to attempt to force a radical restructuring of the national economy on working class terms .
18 Taylor was the first to realize that , on linguistic grounds , Swahili-land should be studied as three regions ; he was the first to study in depth the phenomenon of aspiration in Swahili ; he was the first and ( with the exception of H. E. Lambert ) the only European to compose and publish Swahili poetry ; he is the only European to have caused a new genre to be introduced to Swahili poetry , ‘ mahadhi ya Tela ’ ( Taylor 's tune ) .
19 This grouping sought to oppose the civil rights programme in which Truman called for the establishment of a more powerful Fair Employment Practices Commission , a law to make lynching a Federal crime , and the removal of obstacles preventing blacks from voting .
20 I am sure much of it could be billed and relocated this winter to begin to create a new landscaped edge to the extension .
21 AN ex-soldier was used as a heavy to help persuade an Indian bullion dealer to pay money owed to Earl Spencer 's best man , a court was told yesterday .
22 The vote , when it came , broke five days of deadlock for a post that will give Yeltsin no executive powers , but huge authority and the opportunity to help set a new political agenda for the Russian parliament .
23 David Tennet ( Contractors ) has been given the grant to help convert a disused two-storey building in Commercial Street into four purpose-built industrial units .
24 These documents together with covering letters enable MAS and the vendor to control the sale process , something which should be used to maximum advantage to help enable an acceptable/full price in line with the agreed objectives to be achieved .
25 Nine patients with Cryptosporidium , chronic diarrhoea and severe failure to thrive had a proximal small intestinal biopsy performed .
26 Clearly , in the current review of the Territorial Army , we are paying great attention to the need to continue to have a good geographical spread across the country .
27 By contrast , if energetic , ambitious and talented people from non-elite backgrounds can move through their own efforts into leadership positions in the key economic , political and administrative organizations , then they have little incentive to try to organize a collective effort with other non-elite groups to develop themselves as a counter-elite .
28 She added that Howarth 's failure to appear prevented a full debate on science policy .
29 The Royal Horticultural Society 's Garden at Rosemoor , Great Torrington , Devon EX38 8PH is a perfect place to visit to see a magnificent garden and also for the fine and wide selection of hollies for sale , among other plants .
30 Restrictions on space and the need to avoid giving an overt explanation of reported events which risks the danger of legal suits and liability further restrict the use of conjunctions , particularly causal conjunctions , in journalism .
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