Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] have been taken " in BNC.

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1 Investigators say it 's possible the money may have been taken to Iraq or Turkey to buy refugee supplies on the spot .
2 The successful place of local authority EMI homes in the care of dementing people in Newcastle is described by de Zoysa and Blessed ( 1984 c Models i Complete integration This is the position in many local authority homes , even though no positive decision may have been taken .
3 It is arguable that the opportunity should have been taken to deal with this matter by way of criminal penalties .
4 City economists said yesterday that the American decision to cut the Fed Funds rate by ¼ point to 33/4 p.c. may have been taken with the international as well as the domestic situation in mind .
5 The photograph must have been taken from about twelve feet in front of her , where I surmise Summerchild 's desk was .
6 Under the complaints procedure action should have been taken within 20 working days .
7 Action might have been taken two months ago .
8 Inspector Brian Jaggs , of Braintree police , said yesterday that according to the alarm company the only way the £8,000 car could have been taken was to be physically removed by trailer , and it was likely it was stolen to order .
9 If you had been making the movie on film , the term cut would have been taken literally because each piece of cine film is physically cut and spliced onto the next .
10 The movement was not without criticism from those whose support might have been taken for granted ; Robertson Nicoll pronounced the 1894 Congress a ‘ failure ’ because ‘ it does not represent Nonconformity and it is wholly lacking in enthusiasm and initiative . ’
11 The smear may have been taken too near a period .
12 The big flag should have been taken off the the new green and it was n't .
13 Although regular army numbers had been increased from 10,500 to 11,000 in November [ see p. 38588 ] , these 500 additional troops had in fact returned to England before Christmas ; the Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Brooke conceded on Jan. 9 that " you might take the view with hindsight that a different decision could have been taken " .
14 I would have thought that a decision to allocate more time to showing the event could have been taken , particularly in view of our previous successes .
15 We have heard about a planet called Vadinamia , where our stolen phetam may have been taken .
16 But meanwhile democracy would have been taken much further than the Mensheviks envisaged — and there was even the possibility that , if revolution broke out in the West , the ‘ dictatorship ’ might be sustained by aid from socialist regimes abroad .
17 He is hopeful , therefore , that notice will have been taken this side of the Atlantic , not only by Augusta National at the Masters , but also by the United States Golf Association , who are the governing body of the American Open , and the United States PGA , with a mind to the PGA Championship .
18 Once she had written , another decision would have been taken , and he would tell them in the office that they were having a stab at Italy this year , he 'd managed to track down a villa in Tuscany .
19 Saddam Hussein 's decision , in compliance with UN Resolutions 664 , 667 and 674 [ see pp. 37639 ; 37759 ] , was cautiously welcomed by US President Bush , who emphasized , however , that " no single hostage should have been taken in the first place " .
20 Now that hope will have been taken from her , leaving her feeling that they have unfinished business , which ( unless she believes in life after death ) will remain unfinished for ever .
21 The car is unnumbered , suggesting that its number might have been taken by a new Standard car .
22 There 's no fingerboard binding , and perhaps a little more care could have been taken in filling the ends of the fret-slots — mind you , that 's practically the only cosmetic flaw on the whole instrument .
23 It was Abem Finkel , Muni 's brother-in-law , who worked out a screenplay from the basis of a draft by Musmanno and a melodramatic comedy about Slavic miners by Harry R. Irving , but there were other supervisors and writers involved and ultimately the vital decisions with regard to the project would have been taken by Jack Warner and his senior executive Hal Wallis .
24 Evans sees it as an adaptation of the Egyptian dog-ape , possibly developing from the monkey frescoes in the Knossos Labyrinth ; the monkey was not native to Crete and the animal may have been taken for a monster and so given an impulse to the creation of other monsters .
25 Rachel believed that mechanistic science could explain all phenomena , even those of the heart and soul ; Rachel would never have forgiven her , the last place of safety and affection would have been taken away .
26 But still I feel that one more thing of immense value must have been taken away with that wagon .
27 Trevors parents say their son should have been taken to hospital straight away , not left in pain for two hours .
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