Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] have been given " in BNC.

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1 Not much enlightenment there ; the same reply could have been given at any time in the past four years .
2 The rationale behind the exposure draft is that the auditors may be improperly pressurised into adopting the opinion the outside firm has given , and that this opinion may have been given with inadequate knowledge of the circumstances .
3 With hindsight this final point should have been given more significance from the start .
4 Instead , it can be argued that more attention should have been given to services and small-scale manufacturing .
5 the Vendor shall be under no liability in respect of any of the Warranties unless the Vendor shall have been given written notice by the Purchaser of a specific breach of the Warranties prior to the second anniversary of Completion ;
6 Well I ca n't think why a free kick would have been given for anything else .
7 Conversely , it is possible for a dismissal which is technically in breach of contract ( ie a summary dismissal when notice should have been given ) to be fair .
8 I suggest that the Hon. Gentleman goes to Holyhead and explains that in his view the priority should have been given to the television studios and not to Holyhead .
9 I can tell him that , if we had been involved in the process during the years in which this Government were involved , proper priority would have been given to the very stipulations that we laid down some time ago about convergence , the accountability of institutions and the need for a change in regional and structural funding — as well as several other considerations , some of which are now contained in article 2 of the treaty .
10 The following morning her child was delivered stillborn and her condition deteriorated to such an extent that , but for her expressed wishes , a blood transfusion would have been given .
11 Accordingly , a caution should have been given .
12 It may seem strange that such an important and renowned healing centre should have been given up so easily and so early , and this may reflect the despoliation and depredations by members of the House of Constantine .
13 At this stage the actual response categories may not have been considered in detail , but if the questions themselves justify inclusion some thought should have been given to the response categories envisaged for analysis since it is the answers which will be analysed .
14 ‘ More thought should have been given to the announcement , ’ added Tom .
15 Whatever warning might have been given earlier , little arousal seemed to have resulted .
16 This categorisation could have been carried out in other ways , and other purposes seen here as secondary could have been given greater prominence .
17 As far as these cats were concerned , I have little doubt that nothing but positive r reinforcement would have been given because if they had been punished they simply would n't have done it , and they would have run away and it 's very much more difficult as a as a performer to have an animal w is n't going to want to do the act .
18 The acquirer may not have the time or be willing to make the inspections and will not want to accept the risk that some information may have been given to one of its employees or advisers who was unable at the time to appreciate its significance in relation to the transaction , or indeed may have been forgotten .
19 There were certainly suggestions that more explanation should have been given and that more discussion should have taken place .
20 The item may be faulty , or the wrong size/colour , or the customer may have been given it as a present .
21 This film must have been given an ‘ A ’ certificate by the censors but adults were easily persuaded to ‘ take us in , please , mister . ’
22 Notice to produce the document must have been given in order to render oral evidence of it admissible ; it must be shown that the document existed , is or was in the possession of the other side , and that the original would have been admissible and relevant .
23 Mr Van Leuween described the deportations as premature and argued that more time should have been given to establish whether the voluntary repatriation programme was working .
24 More time should have been given to expert uncertainties and disagreements about the nature of the disease ( reviewed as recently as last October by Solomon Snyder in The Lancet .
25 As might be expected , policy rules of quite formidable complexity have been developed in the rational expectations literature , the best known of these being that proposed by Barro ( 1977 ) in which he attempts to model the process by which the growth in the money supply is determined and , on the basis of the prediction of what the money supply should have been given known values for its determining variables , to derive a time series for ‘ anticipated ’ changes in the money supply .
26 Critical discourse might have been given more space , especially in the context of the brief discussion of " canon " , but it is well handled in the earlier volume by Durant and Fabb , so can be picked up again in a course which focuses more clearly on literary texts using that book .
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