Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Hence in the 1990s the user may not gain freedom of interaction with spatial data but become a captive of a particular design and control purpose .
2 The user may then request details of the tuple for employee whose employee number is 756 .
3 This arrangement can be mathematical once the play is under way ; a conductor or driver may soon assume responsibility for matching passengers to seats and the children will encounter problems of too many , not enough , empty , etc .
4 A control contract is subject to shareholder approval by a majority vote ( including any shares held by the dominant undertaking : but , in the case of a company whose shares are listed or publicly traded , the domestic regulatory authority may — as the Stock Exchange presently does — ban an interested shareholder from voting in this type of situation ) ; such a contract may therefore allow predators who have obtained board control of a company to make that company effectively subservient to an external body without the formalities of a takeover .
5 Carbon dioxide fertilization may also benefit plants by increasing their efficiency in water use .
6 A licensing board may make regulations with respect to the making of applications for licences ( including occasional licences and occasional permissions ) , extension of permitted hours and restriction of the terminal permitted hours and the procedure following thereon , and such regulations may include provisions designed to assist the board in determining the fitness of applicants to hold licences and the expediency of granting licences for the premises in respect of which application is made ; and the board may also make regulations with respect to the procedure to be followed in transferring licences under this Act and with respect to any matters which , by virtue of this Act , may be prescribed .
7 There is still a lingering feeling around that if you need this sort of help there has to be something ‘ wrong ’ with you , and this admission may further attack self-esteem and seem therefore to exact too high a price .
8 But if the new science is produced through a rupture with the ‘ errors ’ of the old , the tenacious hold of common-sense forms of thought means that any given text may simultaneously embody aspects of the old and new ways of thinking , theoretical and ideological frameworks that Bachelard , and Althusser after him , term ‘ problematics ’ :
9 And of course let's not forget LEISURE LEADER , Harlow Sportcentre 's own magazine — Your Magazine .
10 This can be a costly business , as since 1892 these volumes have been illuminated and a calligrapher may now charge £75 to £100 for an entry .
11 As we have seen , some genetic change may not take place at random , or events may occur more quickly than Darwin believed .
12 She accepts that such a change may drastically affect relations with a marriage partner .
13 The winner may now become Glover 's first runner in a Group race .
14 Self assessment may also take place in a group context .
15 In a revolution , where any decision may suddenly raise questions about freedom , justice , in a new form , and where every aspect of life may be brought under scrutiny , it could follow that all action , all weighing of pros and cons , is unprincipled .
16 That resistance may also derive strength from a suspicion that improvisation in this context merely exploits our limited knowledge of medieval musical practices in order to establish a creative freedom for modern performers who are denied it in virtually every other kind of ‘ serious ’ music in the Western tradition .
17 Bransford and McCarrell ( 1975 ) show clearly that without inference comprehension may not take place effectively in textual material , and that particular contexts produce different structures of organisation and comprehension .
18 ‘ A professional fundraiser costing £x from the delegated budget would/would not raise £5x . ’
19 The chart may also help parents recognize that the problem is not as bad as they thought or that finally they can demonstrate the seriousness of the problem .
20 The obsession with sex in our society has conditioned us to assume that intimacy must always mean sex .
21 Analyses of sexism in the curriculum should also include identification of what is left out , either within subject areas , or in terms of potential links between areas of knowledge : my contention is that the higher the prestige , and the more valuable a credential the subject becomes , the more likely it is to exclude issues , themes and approaches which relate to personal and female domains .
22 Mr Johnston said it would be foolish to anticipate better advertising volumes for the provincial press in general , at least until the latter part of 1993 , but the group 's present lower cost base should certainly benefit profits if Britain was eventually to see the type of modest recovery which was beginning to boost the US newspaper industry .
23 While it is not possible to be completely up to date , the user should not buy models with in-built obsolescence .
24 When the SSR has been created , the user should then invoke option 4.2.0 to update its details .
25 The user should then press TAB .
26 I disagree and think that a lone driver should never give lifts to strangers .
27 The drafter must therefore take care to use punctuation clearly and accurately .
28 However , the terms will be used by the drafter 's business client ; they must therefore satisfy the client 's commercial , as well as legal , objectives , and the drafter must therefore take account of those objectives at each stage of drafting .
29 Ideas developed and tested in the field should also command attention and in this paper we highlight one , highly pertinent , innovation in social care .
30 This came under heavy fire for implying that small firms set up without planning permission should only have enforcement orders issued against them if alternative premises were available .
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