Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [be] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 For that reason a divisor should be chosen that is not itself divisible by 2 , 3 , 5 , 10 or any of their simple multiples .
2 Since Chinese officials have also said recently that there will be few major alterations to the Basic Law between its interim and final drafts , their intention may be to declare that proliferation of ideas about political reform indicates an absence of consensus in Hong Kong , and leave Mr Cha 's proposal in place .
3 From across the square the Romanesque lines of the church are masked , not only by later work that war in the Baroque style , but also by the adjacent multi-floor modern buildings and the traffic lights , the latter set in such a position that no useful photograph can be taken that does not include them .
4 Work may be done that may be to no avail .
5 A weaker version of the same proposal would be to consider that semantics is an abstraction away from context-dependent utterances , in so far as this is possible ( as suggested by Carnap , 1959 : 13 ; Lyons , 1977a : 591 ) .
6 On Friday the cemeteries and crematorium consultative committee will be told that burial costs will rise from £140 to £160.50 .
7 His second will be to walk that famous soccer tightrope that tests the best and topples the rest .
8 It would not be easy to see how a case could be made that factory employment was an especially health-destroying occupation for adult males .
9 Perhaps this opposing process could be called that of ‘ transcendentalization ’ , in order to describe the social psychological process by which the world of objects is transcended .
10 Look grandma will be drinking that bottle !
11 One effect of Mrs Thatcher 's seminar may be to fix that point firmly in the minds of her ministers .
12 Who delivered the message at Kinghorn gate , a letter to the Queen saying the King could be arriving that evening and telling her to instruct the purveyor to have horses at Inverkeithing , particularly his favourite , the white Tamesin ?
13 Situation : A is a teacher who told the class yesterday that an important piece of homework must be done that night .
14 Every public sector manager should be doing that , whether a service is contracted out or not .
15 Certainly the two definitions ( ( 9 ) and ( 12 ) ) are not far apart ; but it might be claimed that at least the one that focuses on the nature of context makes clear that one of the goals of a pragmatic theory should be to explicate that nature .
16 Ayer 's response to this argument would be to agree that natural beauty , the intricacy of the physical universe , or the short life of a Galilean Jew , represented observable evidence .
17 The second move which might be made to counter the relativistic flavour of my earlier argument would be to argue that , despite the changing discipline-bound truth criteria , the intellectual enterprise as a whole is founded on certain context-independent truth criteria .
18 The defence recognises that market makers play an important role within the securities market and that to provide them with no immunity would be to make that market less liquid .
19 If Tom had asked her to give extra blood , then they were definitely planning to transfuse , but this told her nothing about whether the baby would be delivered that night .
20 Firstly , it is a requirement that public notice shall be given that an inspector 's investigation will take place , together with an invitation to anyone who so wishes to write to AIB to draw their attention to any particular aspect considered relevant .
21 If the if they 're provided with the right kind of teacher then I think the pupil will be given that opportunity if it 's , the potential is there to bring it out , but you some of the children do n't want to learn well that 's not the fault of the school !
22 The Duchess will be told quite clearly that if news or information gets out publicly in any way she could be fined , for example will be warned that time spent with her children will possibly be curtailed if she does n't tow the line .
23 Like other fair-minded people , we wanted to see more help given to these parents and their children ; and it was plain that over the next ten years or so Parliament would be doing that , and our scheme would be one of the instruments used for that purpose .
24 Stansted is by the Government to be a major airport of the future and you would therefore assume that the Government would be planning that development but it is now clear that Stansteds future is based on unknown or undisclosed information of genius arithmetic and a desire to listen only to the aviation industry .
25 This exciting and popular event raises a considerable amount of money for conservation work at Clumber , but it does mean that the park will be closed that day to visitors ( including National Trust members ) , except for those spectators purchasing tickets to watch the rally .
26 With regard to the War Department , I quite agree with Panmure , that the best course will be to lodge that Department in an unpretending but suitable manner in Pall Mall , and to carry that arrangement into effect at the same time that a Foreign and Colonial Office are building in Downing and Fludyer Street .
27 Thus it is highly unlikely either that a course will be designed that is universally acclaimed as the definitive model for all courses or that any one teacher will find the perfect course that suits the needs of his students , his own personality and his own approach to language teaching , but he can change or adapt it as he sees fit .
28 If it is said that it is the use to which such information may be put that can be objectionable , the libertarian might well reply that gossip is an age-old way of passing the time and one of the cements of society .
29 In laying out passages for woodwind and brass care should be taken that no essential notes of the harmony are omitted from the brass group .
30 When a room reservation has been confirmed it is then marked as confirmed on the chart and great care must be taken that all entries are correctly checked and charted .
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