Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , listening to a Robert Johnson record now , in Britain , is very different from dancing to him playing live in a black bar in Mississippi in 1936 ; and there are probably consequential differences in the music itself , too ( for example , Johnson would at the very least be constrained by the time-limits imposed by the record form — as all musicians , even to some extent on LPs , are ; thus , in some ways a Duke Ellington concert , in a ‘ bourgeois ’ concert hall , using written parts , might turn out a more ‘ oral ’ experience than the same piece encapsulated on a twelve-inch record ) .
2 The other area of doubt concerns a question whether the same laws of historical development apply to the whole history of mankind or whether different , simpler laws apply to primitive societies .
3 A few years ago , a Government publication entitled ’ Practical Ways to Crack Crime ’ stated : ’ A stolen car is about 200 times more likely to be involved in an accident than the same car driven by its owner . ’
4 On a crude arithmetical basis if the same proportion of murders were carried out on the mainland of Britain in relation to the population we 'd have had a thousand dead in the past eight days .
5 Providing he comes through unscathed he could then find himself in line for a place when the same counties come face-to-face in the senior championship this day fortnight in Newry .
6 The suggestion made there is that it is only equitable that the jurisdiction can not be exercised against a creditor unless the same conditions are applicable to him at the time he receives the payment as are applicable to jurisdiction over the debtor .
7 The weighted average capacity factor apportions a higher figure to better performance from bigger reactors , since it is better to produce 85 per cent of the rated output from an 800 MW power station than the same fraction from a 400 MW station .
8 A muddy ball is often a wet ball so the same considerations in playing a wet ball apply when wet mud adheres to the ball .
9 It is therefore a good idea not only to take note of and practise stress patterns in words in isolation , but also study to see what happens with the stress when the same words are put in various sentences .
10 There was an earlier occasion when the same elements in high places were fearful about the outcome of an election .
11 Although one suspects that the extreme rural and intermediate rural areas would be reduced in area if the same exercise were repeated for the 1981 census ( unfortunately it has n't and anyway would be difficult to do so since local authority boundaries have changed since 1971 ) , the analysis did allow Cloke ( 1978 ) to compare degrees of rurality between 1961 and 1971 , and to produce a three-fold typology of rural areas that were becoming increasingly non-rural , were static or becoming increasingly rural , and to produce maps of these three types for each of the four rural areas shown in Figure 5.5 .
12 It is , however , not surprising that this is the case since the same data are being used to derive both the laterality index and the total accuracy score .
13 ‘ Literary life has changed : there can not be an exact equivalent because the same context does n't apply .
14 Erm sometimes er I have n't mentioned much about the gender of the therapist but sometimes it can help a great deal if the therapist 's the same gender as the same person who 's undergoing therapy and it also helps if it 's er sometimes you ca n't very easily with some therapists , y'know it sometimes erm helps if it 's somebody you can trust and confide in and stuff like that and obviously , having met various psychiatrists and clinical psychologists , er quite a number of them are not people I 'd particularly like to talk about about being abused as a child .
15 In the second unit the patient will clearly score more APACHE II points and will , therefore , have a higher predicted mortality than the same patient in the first unit .
16 Optimists in the party point to Malaysia , Singapore and Indonesia , which have managed rapid rates of growth while the same party has stayed in power .
17 Two nights later , Derek was having a drink in the same hotel when the same person approached him accompanied by a second man who gave his name as Alexander Atkins .
18 Products in one country might not serve the same function as the same product in a different country .
19 Everyday business language where the same words mean very different things for our main contacts — the Partners — presented a challenge for each of us to overcome .
20 I suspect they 're better at this stage than the same time last year .
21 Does not the Minister agree that it will be a travesty if the same formula is used this year and my constituents are therefore robbed of much more money that is needed for health in the area ?
22 Likewise you should never burrow or bury cabling under the carpet because the same thing happens .
23 It is also a great time-saver when the same message has to be relayed to a group of people , for example , the times of meetings .
24 As too my faith in an even greater power when the same man , just two hours later , miraculously leapt to his sore , aching feet and gave the Robin Hood cast a thoroughly deserved five-minute standing ovation …
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