Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He looked like a figure gazing into the mouth of hell , and she shook her head to rid herself of the image .
2 He crossed the street , dodging the traffic , reaching the door in time to see a second figure stepping into the elevator .
3 It lay tilted to one side , its body-work rusting into the ground .
4 It would be like a strong wind tearing into the warmth , ripping the fabric of the old rugs , overturning the lamps , plucking loose all the hair so skilfully wound up into neat and careful buns , unravelling her mother 's dainty stitches , unravelling her mother .
5 It has a two columned portico and , behind this , a central doorway opening into the cella ( 76 ) .
6 Remembering how responsive Faye 's blood glucose level was to stress , she was about to monitor its level , but , as she got out the kit , Tom arrived , his tall figure catapulting into the room and only a slight untidiness to his dark hair betraying the fact that he had so recently been locked in Marise 's arms in the garden .
7 As he passed through the light spilling into the inn-yard from one of the windows , a voice from a deep , shadowed doorway called , ‘ Hello , Seb .
8 ‘ Twelve o'clock ! ’ he called out as she stepped on to the pavement ; then he was gone , the little green car melding into the rest of the traffic and rapidly becoming lost to sight .
9 The next minute she was running out of the yard and into the street again and into the shelter of the doorway leading into the hat shop .
10 In the uncomfortable silence that followed , while the others were trying to think of something tactful to say , the sound of a car pulling into the courtyard sounded unnaturally loud .
11 Billy felt the wind rushing into the cab as the lorry trundled through the tunnel and he felt relieved .
12 David Rocastle is the likely stand-in for Batty , with Gary Speed moving into the centre of midfield , his preferred position .
13 stick kitchen foil — shiny side facing into the room — behind radiators on outside walls .
14 They carry rifles and check every car coming into the parking lot .
15 The system has resulted in new blood coming into the television industry .
16 This done , I set each processor to a different effect and balanced the quantity of each effect coming into the Quad-FX with the four trim pots .
17 Having done this , I noticed all the more the effect of the pale light coming into the room and the way it lit up the edges of my father 's craggy , lined , still awesome features .
18 The sequence involves the presenter of the programme coming into the restaurant , ordering fish and chips and tea from a waitress and then being served with a cup of tea .
19 Over the other side of the square from the gate , you can see scaffolding soaring into the air where people are working to a frantic schedule to complete a magnificent mausoleum for Chairman Mao .
20 We have passed out of the realm of programme making into the realm of action .
21 In the area of hydrology have been some of the most specific contributions made by physical geographers including the analysis of increased discharges ( Hollis , 1975 ; Walling and Gregory , 1970 ; Walling 1979a ) , investigation of sediment yield ( Walling , 1974 ) , research extending into the area of water quality and pollutants related to urban source areas ( Ellis , 1979 ) and analysis of river channel changes downstream from urban areas ( Leopold 1973 ; Gregory , 1981 ) .
22 I saw the outlandish figure shuffling into the dock .
23 ‘ Its forte is a thunderclap , its crescendo a torrent , its diminuendo a limpid brook babbling into the distance , its piano a spring breeze .
24 She was kept on bed-rest , and an angiogram was taken which showed that there was blood seeping into the brain from aneurysms which Rose had in fact probably been born with , but which had not caused any problems previously .
25 It had been a Church of Ireland rectory once , where some forgotten incumbent , a keen hunting man , had built a delightful little yard , adjoining the house and with every horsebox looking into the sun ; with a hundred acres of good limestone land , the place was just the thing for Andrew and his horse-dealing .
26 A layman venturing into the quantum world no doubt expects to encounter some fairly strange phenomena .
27 The near , right-hand end-window of the caravan is partially blinded by a crude leaded-light depicting a pink figure with purple beard swimming into the mouth of a big purple fish .
28 Beautiful cover showing a window opening into the past for this time travel tale about an Oxford student stepping back into the Middle Ages to finish her thesis and ending up in the middle of the plague .
29 Adjoining the studio was a funeral parlour with a window opening into the studio , so it was necessary to stop classes and rehearsals whenever a funeral took place .
30 Looking into the garden , he saw an elderly lady sinking into the flower bed under the weight of a TV .
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