Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] their [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 From under the counter Franco produced the familiar battered grey hat which had been left behind in the confusion surrounding their departure for Maidstone 's apartment .
2 Given the confusion surrounding their plans for railway privatisation , perhaps the Government ought to demand the same test for all of its would-be railway experts .
3 Furthermore , it is quite possible to maintain control in such situations without the judiciary substituting their view for that of the tribunal .
4 Davide sighed ; with Tommaso Talvi he had been hungry for experience , but now , he wondered what had impelled him then to want so much , everything , travel , influence , money , work , before he had ever touched a woman ; when now he sang arias of extreme emotion , when he grieved and sobbed his passion in La Forza and Boccanegra and La Traviata , he thought of young men in the future bursting their hearts for his daughters .
5 There was quite a scrum of people at the bar giving their orders for large post-prandial brandies and ports and the commissionaire waved me through .
6 This popular attachment to church festivities persisted well into Elizabeth 's reign , the laity demonstrating their affection for them by vociferously opposing the efforts of godly ministers or town corporations to suppress them .
7 If that gap is n't narrowed , we could well see a backlash as business doing their bit for the environment lose heart at the apparent lack of consumer interest .
8 The draft contains all the essentials of her later paper ( with Gosling ) in Nature in April , which , together with one by Wilkins and his colleagues , accompanied Crick and Watson 's paper announcing their model for the structure of DNA .
9 She could hear the village children inside the church practising their singing for Sunday .
10 The association , all of whose members are required to sign a statement pledging their support for the use of animals in research , is planning to raise the issue with the Medical Research Council .
11 The two sides also issued a joint statement expressing their support for making Antarctica an international nature reserve , as first proposed by the French explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau .
12 In Saudi Arabia Baker met with foreign ministers from the six GCC countries and Egypt and Syria , who issued a joint statement expressing their appreciation for Bush 's March 6 speech and its " positive treatment " to the Palestinian question .
13 Perhaps , he concluded , in his letter terminating their correspondence for months to come , it was all just a terrible nightmare which would only be understood later ?
14 UNEMPLOYED managers have joined a pilot scheme hiring their labour for as little as £50 a week to help firms reach ‘ Investors in People ’ status .
15 IAN RUTHERFORD Taking steps : marchers take part in the demonstration in Dundee at the weekend showing their support for the 340 strikers sacked by Timex
16 EVERY day people passed by our house taking their dogs for a walk .
17 Any state whose parliament " does not feel able to approve the irrevocable fixing of its currency " could opt out by seeking " exemption " from this stage of economic union ; member states would nevertheless be asked to make a solemn ( non-binding ) declaration proclaiming their support for a " swift transition " to EMU and " their strongest intention to participate in EMU without exemption " .
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