Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] and [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sara felt her heart thumping and the colour rising in her cheeks .
2 And it has to be said , he wrote , that its opposite , a feeling of elation , equally physical , equally extra-physical , has also been a constant feature of my life , manifesting itself regularly though impossible to predict , a reeling in the chest this time , the chest and perhaps the throat , a feeling of the heart leaping and the blood pumping , it came when I first took up a brush and made a mark on paper , it came when I picked up the first readymade and felt it transformed by that very action , it came when Madge rang to say she could not go on , when Annie wrote to say she was not coming back , when the idea of the glass first popped into my head .
3 Police said the patrol car had its blue light flashing and a B-test on the driver proved negative .
4 If you are eventing rather than hunter trialling and the horse is standing in the horsebox between phases , he is likely to ‘ go off the boil ’ and although he should not require work as such , he will probably need a sharp canter and four or five practice jumps before he is ready to go .
5 The Law Society has responded to the introduction of Legal Aid franchising and the Society 's development of the Practice Management Standards by organising a major series of conferences during May , June and July 1993 .
6 Repeat the exercise to calibrate the second pickup winding and the instrument is ready for use .
7 Norway , with its long winters , small farms , preponderance of stock rearing and the importance of rural off-farm work , could be compared with Orkney , Wester Ross and North Wales .
8 Outlook , page 31 World Markets New York : Programme buying and a rush of panicky short-covering saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average finish at a record 2,754.56 , up 40.84 Tokyo : A flood of sell orders from investment trusts redeeming funds for clients brought a sharp fall in the Nikkei average , down 256.6 to 35,366.37 .
9 NEW YORK ( Reuter ) — Programme buying and a rush of short-covering sent US blue chips to new highs , with the Dow Jones Industrial Average closing 40.84 points up at 2,754.56 .
10 ‘ I love the freedom of horse riding and the power of being in charge .
11 Visitors can take part in canoeing , sailing , climbing and horse riding and the Treloar students would like to provide the centre with three new stables and a store room , to double the size of the existing stable block .
12 But by the time we reached the foot of the fixed ropes it suddenly changed , with the wind dropping and the snow stopping .
13 Saponin pretreatment also resulted in an augmentation of PCNA staining and a decrease in background staining .
14 No scene , perhaps , in The Lord of the Rings is more moving or more suggestive than the one in which Sam and Frodo , in Mordor , see the wind changing and the darkness driven back , and then as if in answer to prayer come upon a trickle of water : ‘ ill-fated ’ and ‘ fruitless ’ in appearance , but at that moment seemingly a message from the world outside , beyond the Shadow .
15 The wind screaming and the rain lashing on the windows sent me into a reverie .
16 It also seemed interesting to see if there was any relationship between the use of overtime working and the use of temporary workers .
17 To a solution of PABA-UDCA ( 1.0 g ) in anhydrous pyridine ( 10 ml ) was added chlorosulphonic acid ( 1.0 ml ) in anhydrous pyridine ( 10 ml ) with ice cooling and the solution was then heated overnight at 50°C .
18 The pool and sunterrace are ‘ the ’ places for Gran Canarian sun soaking and the beach is 1 km away .
19 This was more to do with window dressing and the government 's need to be seen to be doing something , rather than a serious attempt to tackle the problems .
20 It was enough with Donnington 's preoccupation with his Home Guarding and a daughter who thought more of wounded soldiers than she did of family duty .
21 Again the permeability is largely dependent upon sediment sorting and the presence of cements , or authigenic growths in the pore throats .
22 With winter approaching and the slump growing the situation looks like getting worse .
23 On a mid-summer morning , a small child made her way towards school , the sun shining and a smile on her face .
24 — Well mate , its a good question , what with winter coming and the need to feed the soil in preparation for laying the seedlings .
25 New powers for speedy land assembly , for plan making and the control of development were given to local authorities , consummated subsequently in the Town and Country Planning Act .
26 The decline in public sector housebuilding and the rise in council house rents , together with the transfer of many council houses to the private sector , has resulted in an increase in the number of homeless people , most of whom come from groups who are unable to afford to become owner-occupiers .
27 Numerous assaults , cases of window smashing and the dissemination of graffiti continued unabated .
28 However , the planting of beech hedging and the erection of rabbitproof fencing has enabled some work to be completed .
29 The company promptly sent a replacement and Mrs Bothwell said : ‘ I had a trial pouring and the teapot passed with flying colours . ’
30 Several thousand people gathered in Princes Street gardens to enjoy community singing and the lighting of the region 's own Beacon Europe on Edinburgh Castle 's Half Moon Battery
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