Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We noticed now a trail of well-trodden snow winding back towards the shore , obviously a route known to be safe by the experienced locals .
2 That has opened new wounds in relationships between the two sides , barely on speaking terms after bad blood dating back to the infamous Shakoor Rana-Mike Gatting bust-up .
3 His origins are obscure , but he seems to have been a German from one of the tribes which were allowed to settle within the Empire , and for which privilege they were liable for military service , a practice going back to the late third century .
4 Lord Vansittart , a former Foreign Office official , had written a pamphlet entitled Black Record blaming the Germans for a record of barbarism going back to the era of the Roman Empire .
5 Once Ranulf had gone , Athelstan sat on the altar steps , his mind going back to the corpses he had seen : Vechey 's lying cold amongst those dreadful heads on the tower gate of London Bridge ; Brampton 's sheathed in dirty canvas in the death house of St Mary Le Bow ; Springall 's lying alone under its leather covering in the great four poster bed in his mansion .
6 There 's Bigwig coming back along the bottom , and the other two with him . "
7 The thump of the back wheel coming back into the gutter brought Bob 's window down .
8 Sultan Pakubuono XI of Surakarta comes from a lineage reaching back to the ninth century and , despite Indonesia 's official birth into the modern age with her independence in 1949 , the Sultan , like his ancestors before him , remains the uncrowned " Pope " of pre-Islamic Javanese mysticism .
9 It was now generally agreed ( despite claims to the same effect reaching back to the 1930s and beyond ) that the map of literary history was as complete as it was ever likely to become . "
10 It was better than having your screenplay flopping back on the mat by return of post .
11 KOD belong to and older and , dare I say , bolder tradition of British independent rock stretching back through The Bunnymen , The Banshees , The Cocteau Twins and The Smiths .
12 ‘ Look , ’ said his Mum looking back at the house .
13 In the example given , the College 's close relationship with the catering industry , covering conventional day-release , specialist courses and demonstrations , and extensive work experience dating back to the 1960s had given the mutual confidence and understanding which made an unconventional pattern worth trying .
14 The aircraft that this intrepid group had used was a large lumbering biplane dating back to the early 1930s .
15 This case relied on law dating back to the 1870s .
16 Er , at the time , we had no response when this was announced by Jim erm , it does in fact clash with our council meeting but in view of the fact that erm our business meeting Se , in December is not until the second Monday , I would be happy to put the erm council meeting back to the following Monday if there was sufficient interest from the members .
17 The Doctor and Blake walked down an alleyway heading back to the entrance to hell .
18 In the passage leading back to the northbound platform of the Northern Line they stopped in a corner , the man got out his mouth organ and the bear began to dance .
19 In a separation section , the sludge is discharged , the clean sand going back into the system , so that the process of filtration is continuous and the " filter " is self-cleaning .
20 She watched him walk away along the corridor heading back towards the club , her heart feeling lighter than it had for the past week .
21 Porter merely regarded the man indifferently , his gaze straying back to the woman .
22 This infill could come from ejecta falling back into the crater , including molten rock from the impact , lava from volcanic activity , and dust from the walls and beyond .
23 Are The Orb the smiling , blissed-out face of a sinister intergalactic plot stretching back before the dawn of mankind itself ?
24 The Old Testament kings had been initiated with unction ; and in any case the Carolingians , unlike their Merovingian predecessors amongst the Franks , could not depend for their sacrality upon a long royal genealogy stretching back into the past .
25 That is why the concept of the safety case — a case going back to the very essentials of design — is so important .
26 Although they were public servants answerable to the Home Secretary , the Prison Commissioners had a separate existence going back to the reforms of the late Nineteenth Century .
27 Why should Shadrach contemplate for a moment stepping back into the burning fiery furnace ?
28 But the risk of rocket failure was considered too high , potentially bringing the radioactivity raining back into the earth 's atmosphere .
29 Meanwhile , at Newbury , our archaeologists have worked with the Trust for Wessex Archaeology and unearthed the remains of flint tools from a site dating back to the Middle Stone Age .
30 They represented a common English custom dating back to the Middle Ages and were first mentioned in Stamford in 1486 .
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