Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [prep] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 The stout refusal , and then the shambling figure going up the long path beside the river , up to the house .
2 Painted red , of course , with sinuous front wings that curve above the wheelarches , a recessed bonnet , a short roof tapering into a long , descending C-pillar and a vast engine cover terminating with a flat rear .
3 The correct word-path is excluded from many mid and mixed utterances because an alternative parsing into a long word is preferred .
4 A hedge position is a portfolio consisting of a long or short share and one or more of the available options on that share .
5 He had been crouched on the first-floor landing for a long time , peering through the banister rails to the kitchen at the end of the lower corridor , listening to the ebb and flow of their conversation .
6 We have here a wide , flat valley filled with sediment passing into a long parallel-sided sea reminiscent of many ancient sedimentary troughs .
7 Woolley led them down in a mock attack , the arrowhead formation swooping in a long , curling dive that went under the Frenchman 's tail and zoomed up and levelled out , back on patrol .
8 Deeper into the reed bed it went , its cryptic plumage merging with the long , thin , creamy-buff , feathery-topped reedstalks — and disappeared from view .
9 ‘ The answer to both your questions is yes , ’ she told the girl sitting at a long table on the far side of the room .
10 ‘ It 's the start of a thing that 's sweet , ’ he told Tom one evening drawing on a long pipe filled with the first pluckings of their own tobacco .
11 He motioned his family and Paul to halt and pointed silently across the river to a herd of muntjac grazing in the long grass .
12 However , there is no point investing for the long term at the risk of being caned in the short term .
13 He was standing against one of the walls of the bedroom , one elbow resting on a long teak shelf which at one time must have contained books , but was now bare , resting his head against the palm of his raised hand in an attitude of relaxation .
14 ’ Erskine May ’ states clearly that amendments may be made in Committee even if they are not within the Bill 's scope according to the long title .
15 We spent the first day getting over the long flight ( though with only three hours time difference there was no appreciable jet-lag ) and having a look round the town .
16 ‘ The bad effects of island driving on the long sentences were not caused by an increase in the number of false alarm seeds .
17 I stood outside his door listening for a long time ; there was n't a sound .
18 The win by Peter Crispe and navigator Tony Poole was an exceptionally popular one , the pair having been stalwarts of air racing for a long time .
19 She sped down the little path leading between the long vegetable beds of the kitchen-garden .
20 Foucault notes that , at the same time as the Annales school and others were constructing a history according to the long durée , in the history of science , philosophy , and literature , attention was turning in exactly the opposite direction , that is away from vast unities towards phenomena of rupture , discontinuity , displacement and transformation , towards different temporalities as well as architectonic unities .
21 She stayed at the villa waiting for the long car .
22 He sat next to me and I wrinkled my nose at the sweaty odour emanating from the long , black , food-stained gown he wore .
23 When they had eaten their meal of wheat ro is and milk they kept the fire going for a long time .
24 Viciously beaten and sexually abused , he sustained series injury leading to a long round of hospitals , major brain surgery and permanent disability .
25 No-one ever spends much time thinking about the longest holiday of their lifetime — retirement — until a few years before the big day actually arrives .
26 Roy 's age is the one vital fact missing from the long list in the Rovers press release .
27 Northern European warriors also used the halberd , which consisted of an axe blade balanced by a pick , with the head of the shaft terminating in a long , vicious spike .
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