Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He repeated the Comintern formula that " the united front can only be built up from below , by the workers themselves , not as a corrupt bargain of the reformist leaders and disorganisers of the struggle endeavouring to buy off the criticism of the revolutionaries , but as the solid class front of the workers " .
2 This season has a side struggling to stay in the second divison .
3 What we are doing is what is being done er in the market generally there is nothing unique about British Airways position in this regard , in the event the European commission er should find against er our interest in this respect er they are in effect going to find against the interest er of the er European airlines as a whole , and that would be very detrimental to the interest of European business and travellers .
4 The potential for disaster lurks very close behind the bright shiny facade waiting to pounce on the unwary and relieve them of substantial sums of money .
5 In his Sonnets Shakespeare achieved the rather remarkable feat of turning to new and individual ends a genre that had flourished throughout Europe for several centuries and was in effect beginning to die at the time when he wrote , in the mid 1590s .
6 Soft light beginning to shimmer on the still water .
7 G. Thomas Horsley ( page 52 ) saw industry starting to grow in the region .
8 Each MELA was divided into three zones — cores , with minimum employment sizes and densities ; metropolitan rings , with 15 per cent or more of their labour force commuting to work in the cores ; and outer rings , with up to 15 per cent of their economically active labour force employed in a core .
9 A policeman ran past the poet trying to get to the crowd before it became an unruly mob .
10 ‘ People are bound to get excited when they see a ten-million-ton starship trying to fly down the street . ’
11 So as less salty water comes into contact with more salty water , the two water masses shift ( the fresher mass tending to float on the saltier mass ) .
12 One evening I was in the ‘ No ’ lobby waiting to file past the clerks to record my vote on a three-line whip .
13 ( a ) Powers of a single justice A single justice may exercise the jurisdiction of the family proceedings court : ( 1 ) To make the following orders on an ex parte application : ( i ) a prohibited steps or specific issue order ( s10 ) ; ( ii ) an emergency protection order ( s44(1) ) ; ( iii ) a warrant for police assistance in the execution of an emergency protection order ( s48(9) ) ; ( iv ) a recovery order ( s50(1) ) ; ( v ) cancellation of registration or variation of requirement imposed on person providing day care ( s75(1) ) ; ( vi ) a warrant for police assistance to search for children or inspect premises in circumstances specified in s102(6). ( 2 ) To grant leave to commence proceedings : ( i ) to a child wishing to apply for the discharge of a parental responsibility order ( s4(3) ( b ) ) ; ( ii ) to a person not otherwise entitled to apply for contact with a child in care ( s34(1) ( b ) ) ; ( iii ) to anyone wishing to apply for a child assessment order , the substitution of supervision order for a care order or the discharge of a care order , supervision order , or education supervision order within six months of a previous application ( s91(15) ) ; ( iv ) to anyone wishing to make a further application for a contact order under s34 ( contact with a child in care ) within six months of refusal of a previous application ( s91(17) ) ; ( v ) to a child wishing to apply for discharge of an existing custody or access order under the transitional provisions ( Sched 4 , para 11(4) ) .
14 A vehicle volunteering to stop at the zebra crossing can only stop one of the two lanes , with no control over the other .
15 I found Jo in the hall trying to get through the scrum of people to the kitchen .
16 I remember it as horrible , with a smell of cold cabbage seeming to come from the upholstery .
17 He glanced away for a moment , his gaze seeming to drift beyond the window to the loch and the granite peak of Ben Lomond beyond .
18 The difficulty appears to me to be that there are too many people in the business seeking to compete in the same areas of demand , without any very great clarity about the sources of their own competitive advantages .
19 In June 1964 a law transformed RTF into O ( for ‘ Office ’ ( RTF's ' This law had more to do with the organizational needs of a body attempting to adjust to the expansion of broadcasting than with the issue of political control .
20 I was within half a mile of Darrowby with the lights of the little town beginning to wink between the bare roadside branches when a car approached , went past , then I heard a squeal of brakes as it stopped and began to double back .
21 I could smell the citronella that I put on my skin to ward off the mosquitoes and feel the breeze beginning to rise from the river .
22 If trams no longer had an obvious technological advantage they also suffered from an institutional disadvantage-of having to pay for the upkeep of the roads they used , up to a distance of 46 cm ( 18 inches ) either sides of their tracks literally paving the way for motor buses .
23 Poor lad having to sleep on the floor !
24 With almost half the present team threatening to retire at the end of the season — and who can blame them if it means that they go out on a high note — this was excellent news .
25 The columns of MLs were now under heavy fire , the port group of MLs making for the Mole to land their commandos , the starboard group intending to slip under the stern of Campbeltown into the Old Entrance .
26 Walter Stocker , the head of the Red Cross team trying to deal with the refugee crisis in the central African state , said hordes of peasants had been trekking south since guerrillas of the Rwanda Patriotic Front broke a seven-month ceasefire and attacked army positions on 8 February .
27 Every creditor wishing to attend on the hearing must give notice of his intention to the petitioning creditor not later than 4pm on the business day before the hearing .
28 Non-return valve ( check valve ) to prevent hot water returning to mix with the cold water in the mains
29 Head twisting to look in the dark glass above the creaking bed .
30 This means that the defect is judged in the light of the scientific and technical knowledge at the time the product was under the control of the person seeking to rely on the defence .
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