Example sentences of "[noun sg] [v-ing] [pron] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 He lay there dead , his blood soaking my shoulder for half an hour .
2 From under the counter Franco produced the familiar battered grey hat which had been left behind in the confusion surrounding their departure for Maidstone 's apartment .
3 Given the confusion surrounding their plans for railway privatisation , perhaps the Government ought to demand the same test for all of its would-be railway experts .
4 Finally the tram got underway and as it started to pull up at the end of the track by the foot of Duke Street Hill Carrie was already out of her seat and waiting on the platform at the rear of the vehicle , with Fred at her side gripping her arm for fear that she would fall off before it actually stopped .
5 Clement wrote a pamphlet giving his reasons for the split and accusing Wilson of mismanagement , irresponsible militancy and the encouragement of foreign seamen into Britain , presumably because of his refusal to accept a rule which would debar them from membership .
6 Furthermore , it is quite possible to maintain control in such situations without the judiciary substituting their view for that of the tribunal .
7 The Bank , by rejecting offers at r 1 , is in effect reducing its demand for bills ( D 1 to D 2 ) , and thereby drives up the rediscount rate to r 2 .
8 Davide sighed ; with Tommaso Talvi he had been hungry for experience , but now , he wondered what had impelled him then to want so much , everything , travel , influence , money , work , before he had ever touched a woman ; when now he sang arias of extreme emotion , when he grieved and sobbed his passion in La Forza and Boccanegra and La Traviata , he thought of young men in the future bursting their hearts for his daughters .
9 The following day , the Committee issued a manifesto expounding its justification for the rising , and appointed General Franco — who , it will be remembered , had been dismissed by the legitimate government of the nation — as chief of the Armies of Morocco and southern Spain .
10 Bob sends a letter to Housing Dept supporting my request for a transfer .
11 There was quite a scrum of people at the bar giving their orders for large post-prandial brandies and ports and the commissionaire waved me through .
12 On Jan. 10 Lewandowski told a Sejm committee assessing his candidacy for the post of Minister of Ownership Transformations that the performance of the share offer indicated that a different approach to privatization was needed , and he said that he favoured distributing to all Polish citizens free vouchers to be exchanged for shares .
13 The action arose out of a Privy Council hearing of his appeal against his dismissal from the Singapore bar following his conviction for fraud , when the Privy Council had found that he had been the victim of " grievous injustice " and expressed " deep disquiet that by a series of misjudgments [ he had ] been fined , imprisoned and publicly disgraced for offences for which [ he was ] not guilty " [ see p. 37086 ] .
14 ‘ It 's easy seen you 've not a son or a husband risking his life for that one and her scheming ! ’
15 This popular attachment to church festivities persisted well into Elizabeth 's reign , the laity demonstrating their affection for them by vociferously opposing the efforts of godly ministers or town corporations to suppress them .
16 If that gap is n't narrowed , we could well see a backlash as business doing their bit for the environment lose heart at the apparent lack of consumer interest .
17 A police spokesman said the 25-year-old Middlesex opening batsman , whose home is in Durham , was released without charge following his arrest for alleged drunkenness .
18 Essex Water is giving a presentation explaining its reasons for the application and answering questions on March 25 .
19 Throughout the 1970S , this delightful village was the priority holiday venue of my wife and myself , a kind friend providing her cottage for our annual visits : always we arrived in eager anticipation and departed with reluctance .
20 For each item , write a short sentence giving your reasons for choosing that form of service .
21 And if you have a very small amount of money , and a large number of erm demands on , on that budget , then the last thing you 're going to do , is to spend a lot of money reinforcing your house for an earthquake that may affect your grandchildren and not you .
22 Her frozen surprise made him pause at the door , a gleam of amusement touching his eyes for the first time .
23 The point about a woman using her uterus for financial gain poses two problems .
24 As my vouchers are used up in about four months each year this means that for eight months I 'm out of pocket using our stores for the weekly shop .
25 The draft contains all the essentials of her later paper ( with Gosling ) in Nature in April , which , together with one by Wilkins and his colleagues , accompanied Crick and Watson 's paper announcing their model for the structure of DNA .
26 To take a few examples : J. Uvedale asked Thomas Cromwell in 1537 to find him a place with the King or with Prince Edward ; Ralph Sadler asked Cromwell to help him obtain from the Bishop of London the keepership of a park in Essex ; John Varney wanted Cromwell to get the King 's signature approving his petition for a life patent of his stewardship of Berkhamsted and King 's Langley ; Lord Sheffield hinted to Robert Cecil that he would like the vacant position of Lord Chamberlain ; and so on .
27 Observers attributed the almost unanimous endorsement primarily to the united stand taken by the politburo ; even the leading conservative politburo member Yegor Ligachev had made a cautious speech at the plenum giving his backing for reform and democratization of the party .
28 The incident which prompted their behaviour was the discovery , shortly before the death of Diana 's grandfather , of a letter which Raine had sent to their father discussing her plans for Althorp .
29 The 1974 Labour Government produced a White Paper in late 1975 entitled Our Changing Democracy outlining its proposals for devolution .
30 Demilitarisation is considered as the ‘ international legal regime of a distinct territory forbidding its use for military goals in peacetime ’ .
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