Example sentences of "[noun sg] [unc] [noun] to [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 That is absolutely right , and nothing has more clearly revealed the Opposition 's attitude to people 's wishes in the matter than their persistent hostility to the 4 million or more people who have taken out personal pensions for exactly that reason .
2 Power is increased from the old 3.2 litre engine 's 231bhp to 250bhp .
3 $13.2 million loss raises buyer 's premium to 15% to indignation of dealers
4 To do as well , August will have to boost UK Paper 's value to £3 billion by 1994 .
5 The primary reason for this move was not a desire for increased tax revenue , welcome as this no doubt was , but , rather , an expression of the Government 's opposition to people enjoying a larger income when out of work than they could take home in a wage packet .
6 Turner 's Mercury and Herse suffered a similar fate , dragging down the sale 's total to £1.2 million with a punishing 42 per cent bought in by value .
7 Unix System Laboratories sewed up a deal last week with IBM to port Tuxedo to AIX on the ES/9000 mainframe , Blue 's $60,000 to $23m machine .
8 The biggest beneficiary will be the Festival , even if the proposal to cut its grant from last year 's £723,320 to £708,853 is accepted .
9 The final dividend , payable on July 1 , was slashed from last year 's 1.5p to 0.9p .
10 It expects the 78% share of desktops currently running by MS-DOS to fall to 29% by 1997 , the Apple Macintosh to retain a 10% share over the period , Windows to rise from last year 's 7% to 28% , Unix to grow from 4% to 10% , OS/2 to rise from 1% to 8% and Windows NT to grow from nowhere to 14% over the five years .
11 Barclays deepened the gloom with first-half profits collapsing from last year 's £378million to £51million .
12 Turnover for the six months to the end of March almost doubled to £101m and the interim loss fell from last year 's £6.2m to £5.6m ( tour operators traditionally make a loss during the winter months when few people book holidays ) .
13 A good start would be to purchase A fishkeeper 's guide to Fish Breeding by Dr Chris Andrews published by Salamander .
14 Sweetener takes sugar chief 's pay to £534,000 .
15 Professor Graham Hankinson , the Wimpey Professsor of Business at Thames Valley University said that even though companies were drastically curtailing their training and development activities , this initiative by Wimpey was a positive reflection of the company 's commitment to staff training at every level .
16 ‘ Delightful ’ says the Gourmet 's Guide to Fish and Chips , and there 's certainly no down side here .
17 The latest disclosures , a week after the Guardian published the National Audit Office 's memorandum to MPs revealing the existence of the sweeteners , led to a third clash between Labour and the Prime Minister on the Government 's involvement in what Labour called the ‘ calculated deception of Parliament and the European Commission ’ .
18 These expansion moves were announced yesterday alongside a 22 per cent rise in Devenish 's profit to £14million for the year to September 30 .
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