Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [vb infin] with the " in BNC.

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1 For example , the marginal propensity to make bequests out of lifetime income may rise with the level of income .
2 However , change may occur with the seasons because of fluctuations in the ground water .
3 Those cases only decided that the successor must live with the tenant in the whole of the premises .
4 Ultimately , this responsibility must rest with the electorate , but they do not always receive the information necessary to make judgements .
5 Third parties may provide technical advice but the responsibility must stay with the user .
6 You ca n't put the onus on guidebook descriptions , the final decision on whether or not to do the route must rest with the judgement and common sense of the individual on the spot .
7 They may do so in a non-Compact institution in which case responsibility for " cashing in " the Compact entitlement must rest with the student .
8 Yoshida also took the opportunity to say that while , of course , the decision must rest with the Allies , the Japanese felt that an early Peace Treaty was most desirable .
9 The decision must rest with the user .
10 ‘ Pity my banishment should coincide with the onset of winter . ’
11 I should have hoped that there was some consensus on both sides of the House that the responsibility for student support should remain with the educational maintenance system .
12 Alternatively the chemical may react with the dirt so that it becomes water soluble and it can be rinsed away .
13 Wedding may coincide with the couple flogging their separate flats and buying a three-bedroom house somewhere .
14 If the temperature of the heating system seems erratic , the fault may lie with the boiler thermostat .
15 This finding may be important , since it is known that chemical modification of lysine amino groups of the apoprotein may interfere with the specific LDL receptor binding and hence clearance of LDL ( Gonen et al , 1981 ; Kim & Kurup , 1982 ; Witzum et al , 1982 ) .
16 There is a lot of racism in the school , and I have often believed that a lot of multicultural talk should start with the staff before it starts with the pupils .
17 Potency must start with the lower degrees ( LM 1–6 ? ) and proceed to the higher levels §246
18 He thought that as the plaintiff was more likely to be insured against the risk , then the loss should lie with the plaintiff .
19 The provision of batteries and responsibility for their condition must rest with the candidate .
20 The provision of batteries and responsibility for their condition must rest with the candidate .
21 The first cut should occur with the removal of advisers from battalions and a general cut in advisers to headquarters and service troops : Roberts recommended that no cuts be implemented before January 1951 , as the intervening period was crucial for training purposes .
22 Any discussion about the marketing mix must begin with the product .
23 Yet , to be quite fair , Mrs Bostock conceded , one must consider the possibility that the fault might lie with the husband .
24 The pictures show an artist 's impression of how the road signs of the future might look with the brighter display offering information about hazards ahead and how best to avoid them and a more traditional display , similar to existing road signs , for use in normal traffic conditions .
25 Will my hon. Friend — with his hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State , with whom I have corresponded on the matter — undertake to consider further how a housing association might help with the difficult and complex problem faced by owner-occupiers in Galmington in Taunton , whose homes were built in a non-traditional manner just after the war and who can not now sell those homes ?
26 Brinson could cope with the work only because he was at the Foundation , where people could see him , which had concerns close to those of the CNAA , and which allowed him time to take part .
27 Olivetti said that stringing 24 CPUs together was as high as Pyramid could go with the R3000 .
28 Whatever the status of the Newhart decision , it is clear that it will be confined to very narrow limits since to allow any such action would interfere with the primary duties of the receiver to protect the interests of the security holder .
29 Either , therefore , Labour would govern with the support of the Liberals which would indeed make the Liberals the arbiters of government ; or Labour would be defeated in the House , and seek a dissolution which would be denied to them .
30 The row over what Labour would do with the water industry is a graphic first flare-up in that debate .
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