Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] [verb] for many " in BNC.

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1 Only one thing is certain : the search will continue for many years to come .
2 As it takes some time to get the system going and prepare the animal for recording , any one experiment can run for many hours , and as a result neurophysiologists tend , even more than any other lab scientists I know , to be erratic nightworkers and ( at least when they are graduate students ) not well cut out for normal social relations .
3 This structural and molecular homology may account for many of the functional similarities that exist between IP 3 Rs and RYRs .
4 Clive Exon who adapted Poirot for television and also scripted the current play believes Christie 's work will survive for many years to come .
5 The clean-up will continue for many months while the outcome of the official inquiry will be eagerly awaited .
6 Following such treatment , there was a significant change in the numbers of these organisms in the patients ' bowels and this change could last for many weeks or months , during which time the patient continued to improve .
7 An individual 's diet may vary for many reasons and while starvation is unusual in the Western world because of the availability of food , it is still possible for people in the West to suffer from inadequate nutrition .
8 The process of completion and deepening of this Community will continue for many years into the future .
9 By the time we reach the mid-twenties a distinct and enduring pattern will have developed and that pattern will last for many years .
10 But his example will serve for many an abbot and bishop .
11 Thus a secretary will work for many boss ( not bosses ) .
12 But wool is a marvellous rug-making material and , provided that a few simple precautions are taken , your oriental rug will last for many years .
13 Public health officials did all in their power to stop the 1964 pie going ahead ; there was a typhoid epidemic in Aberdeen in the 1960 's and it was found that the last serious epidemic before that had been in Denby Dale in the 1930's , and the infection can linger for many years .
14 The view is likely to be controversial , as other research indicates that ozone loss could be worse than previously thought and that the problem could last for many generations .
15 The pension contribution will continue for many years .
16 The pension contribution will continue for many years .
17 Although production will continue for many years yet , I feel it is time to record what historical production data is available before records are lost and memories fade .
18 What is useful is the idea that research and study in a particular field or discipline can proceed for many people for quite long periods in a relatively routine or normal way , without continually digging up the roots .
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