Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] there [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 type of atom , so how many types of atom are there in B ?
2 What future is there for Paddy Ashdown ?
3 ‘ What future is there for Maureen in this situation ?
4 When Elizabeth returned to England she talked of how she planned to go to South Africa to see if her future was there with Mr Cronje .
5 ‘ The private car was there at Cartier , ’ he said .
6 And the third : ‘ Her car was there on Sunday . ’
7 But whatever problems individual proprietors and exhibitors had the industry was there at hand to proffer advice and encouragement .
8 How much flexibility is there to folio " a shifting target ?
9 worked up the ladder , but , what 's required in a judge , I would say , put putting for the moment , what we 've just been discussing on the side , that is , any question of bias , or sex bias , a judge is there in court , to perform an intellectual .
10 Carmella was there with Joey and her sister Rosa and her husband Mario Malcase , in from New Jersey .
11 Dublin rockers The Jenny Newman Band are there on Saturday night , and the Lovedogs take the Wednesday night ( Sept 15 ) spot .
12 What harmony is there between Christ and Belial ?
13 ‘ What moral difference is there between piano lessons and petting lessons ? ’ he asked .
14 Revision even of the logical law of the excluded middle has been proposed as a means of simplifying quantum mechanics ; and what difference is there in principle between such a shift and the shift whereby Kepler superseded Ptolemy , or Einstein Newton , or Darwin Aristotle ?
15 What models in addition to private enterprise are there for Community Economic Development ?
16 The teams up there at the top are there on merit .
17 When we celebrate the covenant the bride does not need to be represented sacramentally — the assembly is there in reality — but Christ as bridegroom , Christ ‘ for us ’ , is represented by a man ’ .
18 What other evidence is there of man 's use of the landscape in these early periods , and what can it tell us ?
19 The evidence is there in abundance
20 If , then , business and education are so very different — what chance is there of realisation in practice of the theoretical potential of partnerships ?
21 The Government talk about competition , but what chance is there for competition in rural areas where there is perhaps only one bus every hour , or every two or three hours ?
22 Today almost anything goes as long as the right jacket is there to gull the public .
23 Creevey was there during Napoleon 's ‘ Hundred Days ’ and left a vivid account of his experiences before and during the battle of Waterloo .
24 As Jim Smith rued afterwards , the game was there for Portsmouth to take .
25 You may recall this strategy being the focus of irony in the novel Being There by Jerzy Kosinski .
26 His teaching was a challenge to Christians , more radical than it seemed : ‘ The state is there for man , not the other way round , the socialist order is there for man , not the other way round . ’
27 Are we there int a door is there from kitchen to there ?
28 The light in the sky is there by courtesy of the vanished sun , but the tops of the mountains are still golden , as though honey had been poured lightly over them .
29 The rejection is there in Hobbes too ; for him the basis of explanation is matter in motion .
30 Since whatever admissions criteria are adopted the selection of some only of the applicants will necessarily result in defeating the parental preference of those who are rejected , what reason is there for Parliament to object to any given set of criteria being adopted ?
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