Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] go have [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mummy 's going to have a cup of tea .
2 , mummy 's going to have the broken one
3 He felt the Italian boy was going to have a go at him but I do n't know whether it was a punch or a head-butt . ’
4 So I mean I think what we envisaged though was that the local publicity group erm would meet and see if the well first of all I suppose was there a , a necessity having seen what we 've got from national level er necessity to produce a kind of newsletter , a joint unison newsletter specific to Northumberland , that 's what the group was going to have a look at was n't it ?
5 But I 'm very concerned obviously as a representative of Shropshire on that Committee , I do n't really want to support something which at the end of the day is going to have a detrimental impact on our own service here .
6 Clearly , a character wearing a mask is going to have a tricky time with some Fel tests .
7 Maura was going to have the chances that she he self had never had .
8 Dr Les Atkinson , vice-president of the chamber and chairman of BP Shipping , forecast : ‘ Any shipowner who disregards this guidance and causes a pollution incident is going to have an impossible task establishing in the courts that he was operating his vessels in a prudent and competent manner . ’
9 They played the Grieg Concerto every time the composer was going to have an attack . ’
10 We started walking off , Cal saying , ‘ Your folks are beside themselves , they ca n't stop going on about how desperate they are , your mum 's sure your dad 's going to have a … ’
11 I wonder if Gran 's Co-op is going to have a closing down sale !
12 Inevitably , the use of the soundtrack as a radio commercial involves some loss of effect , and it seems to me that in general a radio commercial is going to have a much better chance of achieving its desired effect if it is created from scratch .
13 When he first mentioned it to Mr Gebler he thought the old guy was going to have a fit .
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