Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Meaning ’ has a much more general significance and the search is for a universal meaning , one that crosses the boundaries of distinguishable human cultures or kinship groups .
2 stay at granddad 's for a little while , while daddy watches that film and then go and see other nanny for a little while , cos you 've got no playschool tomorrow so you have n't got to get up early have you ?
3 According to the report , the only way for Britain to benefit from its military strengths in rebuilding an electronics industry is for a massive , government-sponsored effort in technology transfer .
4 Similarly , for juvenile offenders , the ‘ care order ’ under which they may be detained in an institution is for an unspecified period ; again , release is determined by rehabilitative , treatment criteria .
5 A Summit conference : The final recommendation was for a global summit to discuss international economic and financial issues raised by the Report .
6 ‘ This recognition from the British radio industry was for a phenomenal range of programming — sport , specialist speech , comedy , local radio personality , local radio station , current affairs and documentary . ’
7 The pensioners ' dream is for a secure life , after Maxwell 's death .
8 Unless the transfer is for a monetary consideration ( in which case fees under Article 2 , Scale A of the Order are payable ) fees will be based , by virtue of art 2(5) of the Order , on the equivalent proportion of the value of the land the subject of the dealing after deduction therefrom of the equivalent proportion of the amount secured on the land .
9 The proposal is for an integrated geophysical and geological survey of the Rockall Trough and broader aspects of the United Kingdom sector of the Rockall continental margin .
10 The plan is for a joint venture with the partner to develop , manufacture and market the mainframe , and the cost is put at $50m with the government offering preferential loans of $24m .
11 This month 's plan is for a wide , rectangular border which receives lots of sunshine every day .
12 This rudimentary check is for a static condition ; it has no consideration for the disposition of the surface area of the sail , or the lifting component of any separated sails , as in a Box kite or Roller .
13 One proposal was for a new head of state to be elected by the National Assembly , but under an alternative plan the National Assembly would elect a Presidium , the chair of which would also assume the post of head of state .
14 The plan was for a short gathering , possibly not more than a month long , which would reassert the unity of the Church and its authority in matters of the faith .
15 Now , 40 years on , this structure has fallen apart and the cry is for a free market economy .
16 ‘ We know Richardson is a fine batsman but the real need is for a fast bowler . ’
17 Man in the middle RICHIE Richardson is one of the world 's great batsmen , but Brian Close believes Yorkshire 's need is for a top strike bowler and not the West Indies captain
18 Usually the contact is for a specific purpose , and for a recognised period of time .
19 The request is for a real blast from the past … that lovely old Peter , Paul and Mary folk song …
20 6 If the request is for an expensive sample use tact in discovering whether it has a genuine background .
21 The Money Market — like Acceptance Credits and commercial paper — offered lower cost but less flexibility because credit was for a fixed term .
22 When he offered to buy her a house in Blackpool , her request was for a simple terrace house , similar to the one in which they had spent their early life together .
23 The hon. Gentleman 's first request was for a widespread review of the prices , policies and performance of these industries .
24 Currently , the most frequent demand is for a minimum wage level of two-thirds of average earnings to be either implemented immediately , or over a short period .
25 This approach is to be followed where the demand is for an excessive sum .
26 If the exclusion is for a fixed period which would bring the aggregate exclusion in any term to more than five days or would involve the pupil missing a public examination , the governors or LEA may order the reinstatement of the pupil and the head teacher would be bound to comply with the direction .
27 To commence as soon as possible , the appointment is for an initial period of two years with a possible extension of one further year and includes the following areas :
28 Although the rise in oil prices will continue to feed through for a while , the prospect is for a substantial reduction in inflation over the coming year .
29 We have n't put a figure on it , but our claim is for a substantial increase in basic rates of pay with a reduction in the working week .
30 Please note : Our offer is for a four-tread step ladder — the photograph shows a five-tread version , but the style and quality will be exactly the same .
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