Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Detectives working on the case are working on the theory that they died of hypothermia or suffocation or a combination of both .
2 The purpose of the remainder of this chapter is to analyse the changing structure and composition of the national population , assess the principal dimensions of population redistribution , and examine the impact which both these sources of change are having on the geography of Britain .
3 most days you 'll find Tony Meek racing his dogs at the Oxford stadium … not tonight … because the speedway machines are there … its a gala night … the top twenty riders from the second division are racing for the Service Master Trophy …
4 Current advances in graptolite biostratigraphy are leading to the recognition of further subdivisions in the Ordovician and Silurian which provide an accurate calibration for parallel work on acritarchs and chitinozoa .
5 But both Dr Kohl and Mr Modrow , aware that the hopes of many for reunification are growing by the day , and more quickly than the politicians can accommodate , tried to cool expectations .
6 Doubts about Communist motives in Spain would have been submerged under the general enthusiasm for the Republic , had not doubts about Soviet Communism been growing at the same time .
7 HOUSE builders in the North West are looking for the Government to do more to stimulate sales and economic growth .
8 Deffenbacher 's argument is that those studies which show enhanced memory in arousing circumstances are operating on the ascending portion of the inverted-U function , while those which show impairment are operating on the descending portion of the curve associated with high arousal levels .
9 Downland Housing Association are building at the Larch Cottage site , Portsmouth Road , while the second site is at Lynchborough Road , Passfield .
10 Miss Bangholm reports that members of the club are hanging around the hall as girls are leaving and some of them are rather afraid .
11 The stalwarts of the Hunterston Cycle Club are taking to the road again in the name of charity .
12 The rugby club are helping with the organisation .
13 The remains of the old Motherwell car are lying in the inspection pit underneath !
14 Both government and opposition are grappling with the awkward consequences of an upsurge of religious tension inspired by militant Hindu claims to a disused Muslim mosque on a site believed to have been Lord Rama 's birthplace .
15 On the contrary , all perceptions as well of the sense as of the mind are according to the measure of the individual and not according to the measure of the universe .
16 The Regional Secretary 's Department are dealing with the transfer from payroll 51 to payroll 57 and 501 , of some of the DS0 Cleaning and Catering staff .
17 Postgraduate students who are currently undertaking research in the department are working in the following areas : Modern German Literature and Film , ‘ Wiener Moderne ’ , GDR Literature and Society .
18 It is strange therefore that the signal box instruments revealed it as clear , the signal must have been at green , or had a heavy weight been lying across the signal wire ?
19 May I draw to my hon. Friend 's attention a report in the Sunday Express pointing out that paramilitaries convicted of bombing and murder are sheltering in the Republic are drawing more than £2 million per week in dole money and social security , paid for by the British taxpayer , while many would face reconviction if they returned to Ulster ?
20 Leaders of Britain 's freight industry are calling on the European Commission to help free U K truck drivers trapped by road blocks on the French Spanish border .
21 Because both sides of the political divide are benefiting from the traffic , the issue is brushed under the carpet .
22 It is quite possible that the economy may converge to a steady state not characterized by equilibrium , e.g. , where capital and the labour force are growing at the same rate , but there is a constant level of unemployment .
23 The most rapid rates of deforestation are occurring in the tropical rainforest regions , but deforestation is also significant in the savanna woodlands that occupy the drier tropical and subtropical regions .
24 Power stations use up valuable resources and create pollution — but could an environmentally friendly alternative be blowing in the wind ?
25 Two minutes later , on the concrete of a Royal Air Force aerodrome , the engines of the German bomber were dying on the light west wind .
26 Thus , in a study by Abel-Smith and Townsend ( 1965 ) , a third of the poor were the aged , and almost half the old-age pensioners in their study were living below the poverty line .
27 A Steamship Owners ' Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association had been formed as early as 1874 which later became part of a North of England Protecting and Indemnity Association , and as early as 1878 shipowners of the north-east were complaining of the " tyrannical " attempts of a " dictatorial body of unionists " ' to impose demands on the industry , establishing in 1885 a Central Association of Shipowners of Sunderland , Glasgow and Newcastle to put their views to the Royal Commission of 1886 on Chamberlain 's proposed Shipping Bill .
28 Two NCO drivers from the Field Ambulance were passing through the assembled ranks selling chocolates , buns and cold drinks .
29 Now , the honey-gold , palm-dotted ramparts and fortifications of Grand Harbour were receding in the distance , the Mediterranean was crystal-clear turquoise beneath them , and the huge arc of the sky seemed to be widening invisible blue arms above the horizon .
30 When North Harbour were aiming for the top in New Zealand it took four years of struggle — getting beaten by the top provinces — before we managed to make our own mark .
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