Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [vb pp] for some " in BNC.

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1 But this is so only where the fence etc. was erected with reference to the highway and would probably not apply where the fence was erected for some other reason ( A.G. v Beynon , [ 1969 ] 2 All ER 263 ) .
2 The October 1990 rate cut was anticipated for some time in advance by the gilt market which bought gilts and drove up gilt prices ( see Fig. 17.3 ) , as was the continued fall in base rates over the next two years .
3 The commercial terminal was closed for some kind of police operation .
4 Accurate drawing was required for some constructions and teachers were asked to supply rulers , protractors and compasses .
5 This means that you are entitled to due attribution where the work is used for some commercial product , display or other purpose and that basically you have the right to object to modification , distortion or any form of derogatory promotion of your work , unless of course you have sanctioned it !
6 And with Quine apparently attracted to Miss Novak , the scene was set for some off-screen highlights .
7 Subject to a special fee being prescribed for some applications , the plaint fee includes all other interlocutory applications ( see Appendix II to County Court Fees Order 1982 as amended — at back of book ) .
8 Where the process is used for some purpose other than that for which it is intended , the distinction between an error of judgment and an abuse of process may be rather fine .
9 This retractive action of linear uncrosslinked polymers can be observed if the time interval between extension and release is short , but if the stress is maintained for some time , then a relaxation process takes place allowing the tension to decay eventually to zero .
10 The fact that some infringements do not require any form of knowledge may seem unduly harsh , but knowledge is required for some of the remedies and the situation is not as inequitable as it might appear , bearing in mind the need to protect the patent .
11 It follows , therefore , that this contingency insurance will , subject to its terms and conditions , indemnify the bank/organisation in the event of a claim arising from an insured peril in respect of such properties where the original policy is found for some reason not to be sufficient to protect the bank's/organisation 's interest and so long as the bank/organisation took the initial step , inter alia , reasonably to satisfy itself that adequate insurance arrangements had been made by the mortgagor .
12 This rule does not apply to an action for the recovery of land , where the return day is that of the final hearing ( N5 — 6 ) , unless a claim is joined for some relief other than the payment of mesne profits or arrears of rent or for moneys secured by a mortgage or charge ( Ord 3 , r 3(4) ) .
13 The position is the same if the offender is committed for some offences under Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.38 and for some under Criminal Justice Act 1967 , s.56 ; the restrictions in Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.133 have no application to the offences subject to committal under section 38 , as the Crown Court can sentence for those offences as if the offender has just been convicted of them on indictment , but do apply to the offences committed under section 56 .
14 The aim was to put south Korea on a viable footing in case unification of the peninsula was postponed for some years .
15 Her new owner was prepared for some difficulty , and so took Anna to a good professional horsebreaker ; but to no avail .
16 It seems as though every area of your life is poised for some new influences , but because of your cautious nature and natural attachment to the past , you may feel somewhat overwhelmed by the rush of momentous events .
17 This approach was followed for some months , so that an impressive list was produced of sensitive organisms , including many important pathogens .
18 Whilst I have said 2 years as the expected time to be collecting Community Charge I think this should be qualified with 2 years plus , with income being received for some considerable time thereafter especially through Sheriff Officers .
19 Such a situation is implied for some of the villas studied by Sarah Wool in the Cotswolds and by Ann Ellison and John Harriss in rural settlements in Sussex and Wiltshire .
20 Can he explain why that information was concealed for some weeks in one case ?
21 These results are typical of the others : the speculative efficiency hypothesis is rejected for some but not for other exchange rates .
22 This is particularly important given that the explanation of the data given in Chapter 4 in terms of attention focusing relied on assumptions about memory being enhanced for some aspects of the stimuli and impaired for other aspects .
23 Either the money was earmarked for some special project like the building of the temple to Athena Nike , goddess of victory , a way of saying ‘ we have won the war against Persia ’ or else Athena was refused her one-sixtieth part , for symbolic reasons , the other fifty-nine sixtieths being paid in the usual way .
24 When learners are called upon to use the language being learned for some communicative purpose , a purpose other than language practice , then they will be naturally disposed to draw upon the systemic resources which have proved serviceable in the past for the achievement of indexical meaning .
25 ’ My reconnaissance visit is scheduled for some time in January . ’
26 After closure of Woodhead as a through route , the Sheffield to Penistone section was retained for some time in order to allow upgrading of the route via Barnsley .
27 Interest was awakened for some when a TV programme about Archbishop Robert Runcie showed him with his cell group .
28 The stage was set for some alignment between the individual , a single political authority , and a single territory , culture and language ; a passive patriotism that was defined by the existence of clear enemies abroad .
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