Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [adv] see as " in BNC.

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1 We may see it even in political fundamentalism — where the teachings of a reformer are still seen as the crystal clear teachings which are the pure source of revelation , and from which deviation is heresy .
2 Although these attitudes still persist , the general view has been transformed and reminiscence is now seen as a normal , if not essential , element of successfully growing old .
3 Despite these criticisms , the new programme is widely seen as an advance on the Karnataka Social Forestry Project , inaugurated in 1983 with World Bank funding , which led to the expropriation of common land for eucalyptus plantations , and clashes between vilagers and foresters .
4 There are in fact quite a number of exceptions to this proposition , so that in England a county court summons will normally be served by an officer of the court sending it by post and some writs in admiralty may be served by the Admiralty Marshal ; in the United States federal courts , summonses in civil actions are served by a United States Marshal ; but service by the plaintiff or his agent is nonetheless seen as the common law norm .
5 The software comp/decomp is then seen as a way of pushing the boat out for future Intel processors that will have video handling capabilities built into the main CPU itself .
6 The role of pension funds in this outflow is often taken as indicative for , since the mid-1960s , pension funds have become the main channel for employees ' long-term savings and their overseas investment is sometimes seen as a ‘ diversion ’ of savings that could otherwise have been used to finance productive investment in British industry .
7 With the lower example covered , the upper figure is typically seen as green shapes against a red background because of the symmetry .
8 The new government 's attitude to foreign investment was also seen as an important indicator of future economic policy .
9 The recovery programme was also seen as an attempt by Keating to heal divisions in the ruling Australian Labor Party ( ALP ) after his 1991 leadership battle with former Prime Minister Bob Hawke [ for Keating 's replacement of Hawke see p. 38675 ] .
10 The vote was widely seen as a referendum on the LDP 's controversial UN Peace Co-operation Bill , which was withdrawn three days later .
11 The vote was widely seen as a test of voters ' attitude to greater integration into western Europe .
12 His achievement of only 7 per cent of the vote was widely seen as a decisive rejection of his racially oriented campaign .
13 Although wishing to increase membership , Council was anxious that direct entry was not seen as an easy option and instructed the M&R Committee to apply rigorously the requirement that the candidates demonstrate at least five years ' experience at senior level in credit management and to raise to 30 years the minimum age .
14 Kaunda had already made known his strong preference for retaining the one-party system ; his action was thus seen as an attempt to appease critics of his regime , particularly among the trade union and business communities .
15 In fact , the action was widely seen as an attempt by George Bush 's close pal , President Turgut Ozal , to prove himself more militantly anti-Kurd than his chief rival , Suleyman Demirel , in the run-up to the October 20th general election .
16 F. H. A. Marshall 's Physiology of Reproduction ( 1910 ) , in examining current views , found that menstruation was often seen as a disease symptom so that ‘ the phenomenon of menstruation must be looked upon as belonging to the borderland of pathology ’ .
17 The large numbers who are unable to find regular work are not seen as a phenomenon characteristic of underdevelopment , but part of the capitalist division of labour and , therefore , a similar feature to the industrialisation process of European countries , differing in terms of quantity rather than quality .
18 Remarks made on Dec. 6 by an APLA spokesperson were widely seen as a " declaration of war " on the white community , and APLA was also believed to have been responsible for various other incidents .
19 12.1 It is of fundamental importance that the compilation and introduction of guidelines on violence at work is not seen as an end in itself .
20 The pact is widely seen as one of the environmental fruits of glasnost in the Soviet Union .
21 Increasingly management is not seen as an end or goal in itself .
22 This brings us closer to the meaning of a genuine collegiality — management is here seen as a holistic process — touching everything and being carried forward by all teachers as of right and duty , not because of a limited hierarchical view of ‘ delegation ’ .
23 The rhetorical perspective proposed does not view attitudes as being static , for an attitude is not seen as a fixed response pattern located within an individual .
24 A general degree is sometimes seen as an alternative for students who are not up to honours standard ; this is largely though not entirely the case with the Scottish ordinary degree .
25 For this kind of caring is often seen as the dignified proper response to long years of partnership and is realistically faced as a price that can be gladly paid for past happiness .
26 Indeed , when Tolkien arrived , he found that the Old English being dished up to the likes of Betjeman was in a grossly truncated form , and the poetry was mainly seen as a quarry for ‘ gobbets ’ — that is , short passages of a very few lines , used for the purposes of testing the candidates ' knowledge of sound-changes .
27 While members were also sometimes heavily involved , the compensation was often seen as the academic and professional networks established through the board and the visits .
28 The act was widely seen as a direct challenge to local representational democracy , and revealed much about the capacity of labourism to respond to perceived threats to its authority .
29 The Public Utilities Holding Companies Act was also seen as an attack on big business ; this gave powers to the Securities Exchange Commission to dissolve the giant holding companies that between them controlled over 90% of the nation 's electric power output .
30 Indeed , utilitarianism and Kant 's ethic of duty for duty 's sake are usually seen as the two great extremes of moral theory , the line between them representing a continuum on which most moral philosophies with a positive theory of what is right and wrong can be placed .
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