Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The hands Maria had raised to Luke 's shoulders strayed eagerly to the back of his neck and up into the thickness of his dark hair , her fingers pressing themselves to the perfect shaping of his skull as she sought and claimed a deeper kiss , drawing him far into the warm moist depths of her mouth .
2 In the second bay starting from the western end , northern side and up to the gangway , was H. Webb 's black gang , so called because everything they dealt with was black in colour .
3 But the men gave way , because they had no choice , and the next minute the car had bounced out on to the road , turning left , away from the village and up towards the dale head .
4 He proceeded down the wooden stairs and Athelstan went along the gallery and up to the garret .
5 I 'm not sure whether Seve did , and I saw Watson in trouble , having gone through the green and up against the wall .
6 It 's the same size as yours up to the wardrobe and up to the door .
7 Moreover , recent work has shown that much of the heat energy in the seas of the North Atlantic ( every square kilometre of which gives off as much energy as a nuclear power station and hence influences our weather ) is absorbed from sunlight in the tropical Pacific and is carried by ocean currents through the Drake Passage and up into the Atlantic .
8 We led the bedraggled procession through the meadow and up to the dig where Nigel 's mature students were hard at work sifting , sorting and cataloguing .
9 She poked again — dug right down to the bottom and up through the shambles came something that signalled with painful clarity .
10 Hazel led the way down the slope of the run and up towards the bramble curtain .
11 Bradford District Council provided much of the labour for the reconstruction of the ‘ settled ’ yards whilst the KWVR relaid sidings into the VCT Museum and up to the Bahamas Locomotive site .
12 Despite the liberating potential of the personal computer , information was flowing away from the person with the machine on their desk and up to the man — as it usually was — who owned it .
13 Their greater height posed no problem for spore dispersal : if anything , it was a help since up in the tree tops , spores were more easily caught by the wind and carried away .
14 by the veins , there 's always an exception to every rule and the exception to that rule in the case of the heart and the lung connection is the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary vein , you may not get asked anything about this , but just in case you do it 's as well to know , in that instance the flow is reversed , in other words the pulmonary vein takes blood away from the heart and up to the lungs , and the pulmonary artery brings the oxygenated blood back down to the heart from the lungs , if you want to have a look at the diagrams for that and look at it yourself later on , there 's no need for you to get concerned or confused about this at all , there 's no need .
15 Well first of all I 'd go down Street and up Street West and up to the top of Street and there was some puddling furnaces , the new side iron works and I 'd watch those men they 'd produce wrought iron and during the process the metal boils up and I 'd have to get a big rubbling bar and rubble they 'd call rubble into a ball , there 's a little wagon put underneath the put under the wagon and off he goes to the steam hammer , now I used to be fascinated with this and Saturday after Saturday I used to go up there and watch one of the heats and as soon as they 'd finished doing they used to go into the Forge and Hammer for a drink , I mean it was such hard work so they 'd do a heat go up the Forge and Iron and come back and then do another heat when I 'd
16 The three explorers set off beside the brook , while Hazel led the other rabbits across the field and up to the edge of the woodland .
17 Out of the room and into the hallway , along the hallway and up to the door , out of the door and down the driveway …
18 She started to walk back up the winding little street , away from the beach , through the tiny town and up towards the complex .
19 It is also a racehorse training centre , and every morning around 7. 30 , stable lads can be seen leading the horses through the town and up onto the moors for training .
20 For much of the period and up to the First World War , the targets of the largest movements of national liberation were the two great empires of Eastern and Central Europe — that of the Romanovs in the Russias and of the Habsburgs in Austro-Hungary .
21 Press these around the sides of the cake and up around the base of the towers .
22 Chapter 4 looks at the development of Conservative health policy throughout the 1980s , after the 1982 structure was put in place and up to the publication of the 1989 White Paper Working for Patients .
23 When it is finished , I want you to come around behind that curtain and up onto the stage .
24 This walk takes you through the Whinlatter Forest and up through the trees to the top of Grisedale Pike at 2,593ft .
25 Her lips felt swollen from his kiss , her body shuddering as she felt his hand , pressed tensely against her spine , hesitate for a moment and then , as if he could not stop himself , slide around caressingly over her slender body and up to the full swell of her breast .
26 This means pressing the child 's chest so that the blood — with its vital oxygen — is pumped around the body and up to the brain .
27 ‘ The mechanism must be in this bed post , with a spring that runs here under the boarding and up into the other . ’
28 Back and forth goes my hand , over the softness of my son 's forehead and up into the softness of his hair .
29 ‘ From Arsenal 's point of view , it 's good to have many players to choose from but Anders can not be happy sitting on the bench or up in the stands .
30 Fall down and right , go up and collect the star , fly up two platforms and right , push the crate onto the switch , go left and fall down , fall through the left side of the cave floor you land in , go right on the ride and collect the arrow , go left on the ride and up on the platforms , go right on the platforms in the cave above , push the crate right onto the switch , go right , down and left on the dodgems , jump up onto the platforms , then onto the wall above , go right through the wall and collect the star so you can fly , fly left , up , go right and collect the arrow .
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