Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [num] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Between Emancipation and 1905 the amount of land in noble hands fell by over a third .
2 For a second or two the expression of the Annamese.camp " boy " hardened as he stared at his employer , then he moved away from the peephole and began to busy himself cleaning the pots and pans that had been used to prepare the meal .
3 For a second or two the moon escapes from behind the rushing clouds casting silvery shadows on the ruined abbey .
4 Perhaps in a minute or two the door would open again and there would be … who ?
5 Sneezing and fluent , bland coryza ; the mucous membranes of the nose may be swollen and after a day or two the coryza may extend to the larynx with a hard cough .
6 ‘ Of course , ’ Robin-Anne went on , ‘ the brain eventually manufactures more dopamine , so after a day or two the cocaine can work again , and you go soaring up from hell into heaven .
7 This has a capacity of 240 MW , between a quarter and one-eighth the size of the capacity of a large power station .
8 Mental disturbance requiring such security is often short-lived and within a week or two the person may be well enough to enjoy the normal freedoms accorded other patients .
9 It was rather extensive at first and consequence of being and a necessity of taking in clothes of all the paupers who , with , which on a , on a waste of after a week or two the number of the workhouse inmates got thin as well as the paupers and the board were in , were in and then in which the boys got back , were , were a large was a cop was a copper at one end , after which the master dressed in an apron and assisted by one or two women and they ladled the gruel at meal times .
10 After a month or two the backache had eased , leaving me with sciatica .
11 It would clearly be in their interests for them to agree to bid £10 an acre for one-half the acreage each .
12 After a year or two the child 's family placement worker will begin the search for a new family .
13 Within a year or two the government ( of whichever party ) is expected to put to Parliament a radical reform which would do away with the charade of having to prove marriage breakdown .
14 Lyndon Johnson 's searing complaints against the British have been much quoted , yet for the first year or two the president was not insensitive to the political realities in London .
15 Stoke two years in a row losing at their ground 6–2 the first year and 7–2 the second in the mid-eighties
16 After another step or two the man stopped and turned round to speak to the parson .
17 Two soldiers were detailed to search the lower part of the house and two the upper .
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