Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [vb base] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Also , it is quite difficult to impart hook or slice spin to a wet ball .
2 In no way put out , he said , ‘ In that case , you 'll be able to return his ring and write finito to the episode . ’
3 And I do hope that they will change their mind and bring work to the valleys .
4 Mrs Blair added that any move away from the bid and offer system to single pricing would not be accepted if it threatened to reduce or ‘ dilute ’ the value of existing unit holders investments .
5 Increasing calls from both sides to end domestic feuding and make resistance to Japanese encroachments a priority were resisted by Chiang until 1936 , when he was kidnapped and briefly detained by Chinese troops from Manchuria in Xian .
6 One day he would pour petrol over that snot stained rag then stuff it into Smith 's mouth and set fire to it .
7 The rocket , fired from a nearby building , touched the top of the minister 's car and set fire to a nearby car .
8 The purpose and the consequence of this policy was to dampen the expectations of workers , weaken the power of organized labour and restore competition to the labour market .
9 The Heineken effect this research has identified is that created by a confiding trusting relationship , which accompanied by appropriate services , achieves more than any other managerial skill they could identify , to encourage elderly people to believe they could manage independent living and avoid admission to residential care .
10 The next chapter will be rather different in both intention and structure , for it will not examine the work in detail of particular leaders in the field nor give attention to the teasing out of any particular principles .
11 Without this we can not engage in any worthwhile legal work or provide access to items .
13 He liked to tell one that he was a dilettante , ‘ I 've never written a line for publication nor put brush to water-colour , in short I never did a stroke of work , except for those few years teaching at Harvard , and I must admit that I enjoyed every moment of them — in retrospect . ’
14 This new product range involved a change from skilled technical configuration and test work to volume assembly , with short cycle times on individual operations .
15 The less well-to-do may encourage early marriage and give priority to settling down to stable family life .
16 The three defendants were formally cleared by the judge , but then straight after the case they issued a statement admitting they had intended to remove animals from a vehicle and set fire to it .
17 Richard Baxter requested the opportunity to preach a farewell sermon and administer communion to his former flock , but this too was denied .
18 With the last of the petrol I covered the body of the catapult and the used-up bottle of the ‘ thrower where they lay on the sand and set fire to them .
19 The courts , therefore , recognise as law and accord primacy to those measures which Parliament passes as Acts .
20 There was a mirror above in whose reflection she saw Ted Tipper advance down the corridor and meet face to face with the police .
21 They themselves might ‘ motor ’ down to their country retreat at the weekends but they looked with signal disfavour on the idea that the vast mass of the populace might enjoy a similar mobility and have access to pleasures which for the moment were peculiarly their own .
22 It is possible that in the course of time scientific advance will be able to offer at least an hypothesis which will throw some light on the mystery of the origin of the universe and give substance to the belief that life , in some form or other , does have an ineradicable and eternal place in the universe .
23 Both stylolites and solution seams transect the cemented sediment and develop perpendicular to the axis of maximum stress , which may be either overburden pressure or tectonic stress .
24 The baroque furnishings or simple motifs that accompany other subjects such as the stage designer James Bailey or Anne , Viscountess Norwich , give the portraits a resonance and pay tribute to the influence of Peter Rose Pulham as well as showing Goodman 's own mastery of lighting to create sculptural effects .
25 These older cells undergo a second migration and give rise to a variety of cell types quite alien to the site at which they had arrived in their first migration , suggesting that there is a mixed population of cells at each site at the end of migration and the conditions at each site favour the growth and differentiation of specific members of the mixed population ; the others fail to flourish and presumably die .
26 Caught unprepared by East Germany 's explosion of discontent , West Germans fear that the regime 's stubbornness could provoke a revolt and bring chaos to the country , threatening the stability of Europe and pose immense problems — including the question of German reunification — which they and their neighbours are not ready to face .
27 There is one for every school , of course , and this psychologist should have had more training in perceptual handicaps than an ordinary classroom teacher , and should be available to help assess the child and give advice to teachers and parents about how to help them .
28 The illumination of the background should be set to a somewhat lower level than that for the foreground to give depth to the scene and add prominence to the subject .
29 The management company will make the detailed investment decisions , accept funds from investors , issue certificates of unit ownership and pay income to investors as appropriate .
30 Similarly , does size have a greater effect on reproductive success in female Weddell seals compared to land or pack-ice breeding species because they breed on fast ice and defend access to water holes ?
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