Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [adv] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 Hannibal was also the object of some sort of pseudohistorical tale of which a papyrus has preserved a piece that as far as I know has never been connected with the oracle transmitted by Antisthenes .
2 and erm he would take er legal action or at least that was the idea , we hardly ever got any erm any change out of the Le Legal Department and as often as not it was written off .
3 The field of art and design education represents a very broad spectrum of study and as far as it is possible to distinguish between ‘ art ’ and ‘ design ’ the former is generally used to denote painting and sculpture and the latter is concerned with the production of graphic material , three-dimensional or textile/fashion artefacts by hand or machine processing .
4 It is difficult to form any clear conception of what these activities would be like if undertaken in isolation but so far as one can form such a conception it is of something essentially futile .
5 Seisin is a root of title , and it may be said without undue exaggeration that so far as land is concerned there is in England no law of ownership , but only a law of possession .
6 The workhouse management committee recommended that ‘ with regard to children still in the workhouse , the older girls should be employed , when not at school , in making/mend or other useful work and as soon as practicable should be sent out as domestic servants ’ .
7 It is unfortunate that the United States Federal Rules of Civil Procedure , while expressing authorising service in a manner prescribed by the law of the foreign country , contains no provision corresponding to that in the English Rules of the Supreme Court that nothing in the Rules authorises or requires the doing in a foreign country of anything contrary to the law of that country ; the issue is referred to merely in the official commentary of the Advisory Committee and then only as affecting the chances of the recognition and enforcement in the foreign country of a judgment obtained in the United States .
8 However , after impassioned protests from Bishop John Fisher , he agreed to the less contentious formula : ‘ especial protector and as far as the law of Christ allows even supreme head . ’
9 It 's the highway and as fast as we can go . ’
10 ‘ The game against Marseille will now be a battle but so long as we have someone like Andy Goram behind us , we feel solid .
11 yeah because the person er who 's job it is to deal with the sulks for want of a better phrase there is not is preferring not to tackle the issue because as far as she 's concerned it 's not affecting the efficiency of the office , that 's what I 'm trying to say and it 's not , in fact it 's added to the efficiency of the office if anything .
12 ‘ I treat you like a child because as far as I can see you are one . ’
13 This new phenomenon was n't quickly recognized in the literature and as recently as 1980 , White and Woods 's edited text ( 1980 ) , The Geographical Impact of Migration , included three lengthy index entries on rural depopulation , rural-rural migration and rural-urban migration , but nothing on rural repopulation or counterurbanization , although there were four index entries for return migration .
14 Perhaps smacking should be regarded as a last resort and even then as something of a failure in communication between parent and child .
15 We have learnt a lot from the Nicaraguan experience and as far as the woman question " is concerned , we hope to go a bit further .
16 In general only a minority of holidays are affected in this way and most changes to the published arrangements are small and whenever possible these changes will be advised at the time of booking or as quickly as possible after they occur .
17 It could be signed as soon as the fathers agreed the match or as late as the wedding night itself , just as long as it was signed before the consummation .
18 Incidence in the rural high oil category was examined in more isolated ( >20 km from urban areas ) and less isolated sectors , and at higher and lower levels of certain factors , for which the division was made after ranking the sectors on the factor ( disregarding isolation ) at the point that as closely as possible halved the cumulative expected values at ages 0–14 .
19 It would agree with Ayer that so far as reason is concerned , theism is nonsense .
20 Meredith , trying to use her bump of direction thought they had gone in a circle and as far as she could tell through teeming rain and darkness , were in the middle of the open moor or common .
21 Integrated rural development advocates the promotion of community-led initiatives , geared to the needs of specific target groups in the rural population and as far as possible utilising indigenous resources to meet those needs .
22 Starkey said yesterday that he knew nothing of the move and as far as he was concerned he was still on Cacoethes .
23 I could see from the onlooking faces that he was coming for me and at what speed , and when I felt the air behind me move and heard the brush of his clothes I went down fast on one knee and whirled and punched upwards hard into the bottom of his advancing rib cage and then shifted my weight into his body and upwards so as to lift him wholesale off the floor , and before he 'd got that sorted out I had one of his wrists in my hand and he ended up on his feet with me behind him , his arm in a nice painful lock and my mouth by his ear .
24 One afternoon I summoned up my courage and as casually as I could I invited him for a drink after work that evening .
25 No I sha n't be getting my cheque book out on that basis because as far as I 'm concerned the thing would still not belong to the city .
26 Peter suggested keeping on until half an hour into the rush hour but no longer as it looked like being particularly crowded today .
27 Olomouc is full of churches , huge and chillingly ornate , freezing inside and as far as I could see deserted during the week .
28 Beasant 's goalkeeping spared Chelsea another drubbing at Crystal Palace on Boxing Day and so long as their strikers remain on target they could get a decent result today .
29 She smiled , ‘ Do n't forget now , you 're my cousin from Neath come to help with the business , you 're big like my dad , could easily be his nephew and so long as you do n't open your mouth , it should be all right . ’
30 In this country we call it Medau Breathing Movement , and by ‘ breathing movement ’ we mean internal movement of the trunk , which starts with the rising and falling of the diaphragm and then communicates itself to the abdominal walls , pelvic floor , the whole back and as far as the collar bone .
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