Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The power can be exercised in any place to which the public has access whether on payment or not excluding dwelling houses or other private premises such as private clubs .
2 There would therefore seem to be a considerable need for a fundamental s review of our speed limit laws with a view to making them more closely reflect their presumed purpose , that of increasing e road safety , without unnecessarily interfering with personal freedom or unnecessarily wasting time .
3 The position of the hole for the ballvalve stem may be dictated by a backplate or specially strengthened section near the top of the cistern .
4 The list of people buried here is long and includes Judah Loew ben Bezalel ( Rabbi Loew d.1609 ) , a philosopher who was interested in the supernatural in traditional Jewish teaching , and whose notorious golem or artificially created servant , was said to lie in pieces in the attic of the Old-New Synagogue ; David Gans , the first Jewish historian to write a history of the gentiles which was published in Prague in 1592 ; Josef Salomo ben Elias del Medigo de Candia ( the Wandering Jew ) , who was born in Crete , studied at Palermo , was a pupil of Galileo , and finally practised medicine everywhere from Cairo to Prague ; Mardochee who founded a most important printing press in Prague and who was one of the founders of the Brotherhood of the Dead who until this century kept vigil at the cemetery .
5 ( 2 ) That the use of clear ministerial statements as an aid to the construction of ambiguous legislation did not amount to questioning or impeaching the proceedings in Parliament or otherwise contravene article 9 of the Bill of Rights 1688 ( post , pp. 1037D–E , 1039C , 1040E–F , 1042C–D , 1043G , 1061A–B ) .
6 If you plan to stay where you are , the likelihood is that at some point you will want to make some changes or improvements : install central heating , insulate the loft , modernise the kitchen or perhaps convert part of the house to a granny flat for an elderly parent who is becoming too frail to live alone .
7 You can pay money or not pay money ; you can pay more or you can pay less ; you can make payments more frequently or less frequently .
8 He may be completely landless , or it may be that his plot is n't big enough and he has to spend part of his time , or part of his family has to spend part of their time , working for somebody else to get in some extra money or possibly renting land from somebody else .
9 It needs to be done subtly , for flashing a TA card or immediately mentioning membership of the police reserve , for example , incenses some regular police .
10 We will need to discover who is really being stopped from going ahead with legal action , or whether people are making choices between legal action or re-mortgaging their house , a holiday , a car or otherwise freeing money which is tied up . ’
11 The ban takes the form of a circular stating that it is illegal to sell , purchase , import , export or even carry tiger bones or rhino horns and that they may not be used in medicines .
12 When the complexities of circumstance defeat analysis , and we grope for the best prediction or choice attainable , we do not doubt that there is a better founded prediction or better informed choice which no one perhaps will be lucky enough to hit on .
13 Perhaps research shows that the advertising should give new information , stimulate trial , change , ideas and perception or simply build awareness or greater familiarity with a name .
14 I like to use board rather than canvas because I always make alterations , and I can rub out with steel wool or even paint stripper ( which does not affect the gesso primer ) without damaging the board .
15 and it goes through their , for the rest of their twenties , the rest of their thirties and most of their forties and then suddenly bang maybe something ghastly seems to be happening which they are absolutely unaware of , you know , they do n't know why they are crying or , or er unable to cope with whatever they ca n't cope with and that 's it , that 's them off and they start worrying about er osteoporosis and you know an enormous number of , of now medically defined problems of the menopause , and they may start going on to all sorts of things like hormone replacement therapy or even primrose oil or whatever the hell and they 're sitting there at an age when they are fairly loaded up with experience and maturity and all the rest of it and they do n't know what they are doing .
16 There are , moreover , many small farmers who prefer to follow a traditional ‘ way of life ’ and abjure the profit maximization that often provides landscape change .
17 Our findings that ( 1 ) myeloperoxidase activity correlates with disease activity and ( 2 ) azide — at a concentration that selectively inhibits myeloperoxidase — inhibits chemiluminescence , suggest that the neutrophils are an important cellular source of the chemiluminescence .
18 The debate centres on the effectiveness of these laws in emasculating unions ( via a free rider effect that allegedly makes union organization costly ) , thus eroding union wage differentials and encouraging investment .
19 Their responsibility for improving relations between police and public makes them sensitive to the disastrous effect that wrongly exercised discretion can have on the public 's perception of the RUC .
20 Should we look to it for a pool of inventive talent that actively embodied novelty in its products , and thereby provided pressure for technical change among its customers ; or rather , for provision of engineering skills that responded passively to the demands made upon it by the inventiveness of its clients consumer industries and civil engineers ?
21 And it is industry that usually has control over which developments are taken up and marketed .
22 It is gratifying to know that the industry that once gave employment to many hundreds of the local population , is still able to flourish in small pockets .
23 Commitment accounting is much less widely adopted in practice than either cash accounting or accruals accounting .
24 Gone was the flimsily dressed groupie with the ever-rolling joint , and in her place was a homemaker — a ‘ ballabosty ’ — in an elegant wig and demurely covering blouse and skirt , baking Chollah bread , making theme cakes , studying the Torah and , most amazing of all , performing the near-sacred duty of washing the dead .
25 The scheme is said to have the backing of the Royal Warrant Holders ' Association and not to need permission from the Palace .
26 Boromir , son of the steward of Gondor , falls prey to the Ring and almost kills Frodo in his desire to have the Ring and wield it in order to do good .
27 None more so than for four of the oldest surviving players to win Cup medals in the thirties — the Belfast Celtic quartet Sid McIlroy , Norman Kernaghan , Jimmy McAlinden and Harry Walker who gave this appropriate advice to young players — enjoy your football and not make money their God .
28 Any lack of required work effort by an individual will affect the immediate group bonus and so peer pressure can be significant .
29 Neither of them mentioned anything that had been said during the night ; they just agreed to head back to civilisation and not to mix whisky and cannabis like that again .
30 All poisonous amphibia use their toxins as a means of self-defence and not to catch prey .
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