Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [adv] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In these circumstances the Local Government Superannuation Regulations or the Teachers ' Superannuation ( Scotland ) Regulations will be applied as appropriate in terms of the payment or otherwise of pension benefits .
2 About the only decent argument I 've heard on this , I have to say that because it was my daughter who advanced it , about the only decent argument I have heard is the one about badger baiting where she said to me but badger baiting is not allowed on your land and that is the point precisely that Mr made , it is not allowed because that is the law of the land and that is where decisions about the permission or otherwise of fox hunting should be made .
3 In education , by contrast , even in the post ERA environment the classroom teacher , directly accountable for the progress or otherwise of student learning , has a bewildering multi-layered system of accountability to wade through .
4 One of the most obvious places to start looking for the existence or not of inequality between different social groups is the amount of income that people earn , since money is so important in our society .
5 The existence or otherwise of ESP is one of the great mysteries of science , yet very few scientists show any interest in it whatsoever .
6 Your enquiries should , again , yield positive information about the existence or otherwise of mains drains .
7 During the final hour or so of cooking put the raisins and currants previously well washed , in a separate oven pot , and with water to cover them , to bake .
8 After an hour or so of drinking , these two gentlemen decided they wished to go for an afternoon drive around the local villages — a motor car around this time still being something of a novelty .
9 There 's at least an hour or so of sunshine left .
10 The bucket had a rope attached to its handle and I skimmed it over the stern to haul up a gallon or so of sea-water which I slammed down in front of Rickie .
11 I made a gallon or so of tea until I ran out of milk , then a pot of black coffee , and pressed every cup and mug in Sunil 's fitted kitchen into service .
12 Factions of labour that have through struggle or out of scarcity managed to create islands of privilege within a sea of exploitation will also just as surely rally to the cause of the alliance to preserve their gains .
13 Given this confusing welter of competing and combining philosophies , can we reach any valid conclusions about the rightness or otherwise of punishment ?
14 He pointed out that in many countries of Eastern Europe , Communists had been forced into coalition or out of government .
15 The differences in male and female secondary characteristics listed by Darwin shaded into intellect ; women were referred to as more intuitive and more ‘ capable of rapid perception and perhaps of imitation ’ .
16 Although I have chosen to begin reading Marx 's theory of ideology by reference to his concept of consciousness , the material form of consciousness and also of ideology is clearly language :
17 Well up in Scotland of course we do n't need to save our rain water we get plenty of it coming from the unclear , but er one thing I would say would be that erm if we have a warm spell and the sun is beating on a bitumen roof and then of course suddenly a shower and that er goes into the water bucket or water barrel then it does give you maybe you know a few problems .
18 Mungo grinned as the rogue closet sailed past the car and out of sight , its cargo no longer private .
19 It is in photo series like this one that photography 's real powers of intrusion and finally of revelation are uncovered .
20 A model of Christian living and hence of holiness which relied on images of separation and apartness became highly suspect .
21 He moves into a long attempt , which takes up the rest of the book , to revise the earlier ontology of Being and Nothingness into a new ontology of action and even of History , as if , after all , he is investigating the prospect of accrediting the latter with ontological status — a possibility which has always haunted his text in its insistent negation .
22 On the level of ideology the Conservative Government has attempted to tackle not only a crisis of legitimation but also of motivation .
23 The tenth anniversary of the civil rights movement was celebrated on 1 January 1979 amidst a growing alienation of the minority Catholic population , a rising toll not only of violence but also of poverty and unemployment in the six counties , and an increasingly unbridgeable gulf within the majority Protestant ranks , with the Official Unionists and the so-called Democratic Unionists under the Revd Ian Paisley vying with one another in intransigence and extremism .
24 Most of these constant offenders started down the path of crime while still of school age .
25 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
26 It was she who one day , in the rectory or the garden , might penetrate the shell that out of necessity had grown .
27 These memoranda , although generally avoiding comment that might be regarded as politically partisan on the question of the desirability or otherwise of devolution , contain passages which were bluntly , even scathingly , critical of the statements of the means by which the government hoped to achieve their objectives .
28 Divorce at home may be mirrored by changes of work or even of occupation .
29 The changes that have affected rural population and landholding patterns are due less to the profitability or otherwise of agriculture itself than to developments pertaining to the economy as a whole .
30 What is required , therefore , is a study aimed specifically at determining the inheritance or otherwise of speech lateralisation .
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