Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 Specially printed promotional material was sent to each retailer or delivered by the Stoddard Templeton sales force to further strengthen the promotion with individual shop staff .
2 To inhibit uptake or radioiodine by the thyroid , Lugol solution 2–3 mg/kg per day was given from 7 days before until 7 days after treatment .
3 Either a self-referral or referred by the G P , or by a consultant , or by the hospital , or one or two other sources .
4 There had been earlier instances of co-ordination or control by the dramatist or by the composer .
5 The fields will comprise the leading eight in the world rankings at the end of this season and eight more players supplied by the host association or invited by the sponsors .
6 Use quiet music on a tape or played by the organ or music group .
7 It is a sad reflection on Bank Management that our members have taken on additional responsibilities without recognition or recompense by the Banks .
8 She lifted her feet , one by one , pressed them down on to the boot-scraper that stood by the back door .
9 Clare helped her into a black car that stood by the kerb with its door open .
10 Philip went out into the garden , stepping into a patch of snow that lay by the step .
11 The seminar is being organised by WACC 's North American regional association and hosted by The United Church of Canada under the theme ‘ Legacy : 500 Years of Evangelization in the Americas ’ .
12 The TAGH solution ( 9 ml ) was made up fresh at the time of the experiment and infused by the tail vein from 20 ml hyperdermic syringes mounted in horizontal syringe pumps set to deliver 3 ml/h .
13 The South is not a classless society , but its class nature has been well hidden in consciousness and dominated by the procedures of the capitalist-democratic process .
14 To watch him then was such a mingled joy of yearning and pity that sometimes , frightened of her waking thoughts but more afraid of the nightmares of sleep , she would carry her night-light into his bedroom and crouch by the cot for an hour or more , her eyes fixed on his sleeping face , her restlessness soothed by his peace .
15 She went slowly into the bedroom and sat by the window , staring at the spectacular scenery outside , and not seeing it .
16 Potentially , the heads of some federal ministries and departments could also become members , if nominated by the President and approved by the Supreme Soviet .
17 His father , shaken by the speed of the collapse and alarmed by the imminent threat to Loches and other key castles in the Angevin heartland , hastily mustered an army in England .
18 This decision was received with disappointment and regret by the Roman Catholic Church .
19 His great courage at the time eventually earned him the Military Cross , but the harrowing experience was for a long while foremost in his mind and symbolized by the walk back to his commanding officer over a mass of dead German and British soldiers in which his feet scarcely touched the ground .
20 She was an outsider and feared by the wives of the other officers of Camp 3 because her husband was KGB and because his reports could break and crush the career of any man , however senior .
21 A woman shot in the mouth and dumped by the side of the road after the gang hijacked her car was last night critically ill .
22 While I have not pretended that pre-Chernobyl data are extensive , there is compelling evidence about soil and grass contamination in the Cumbrian uplands before and after Chernobyl , based on research and monitoring by the Atomic Energy Authority , the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology , and BNFL .
23 But sleep came unawares , for he was woken by Luib in the dark and told by the peppery old Myrcan that it was his watch , and that Corrary was on after him .
24 Alec says that two years ago one of his closest colleagues was dragged from his home at gunpoint and threatened by the IRA .
25 We clung helplessly to the upturned optimist until rescued by the instructor with a motor boat .
26 This commitment , and the overall pacifist , pro-feminist , libertarian , green and non-exploitative ethos we espouse has generally led to our expressed opinions on the Pembroke Ranges issue being greeted with scepticism and distrust by the climbing establishment .
27 Digital phase control signals are generated by the microprocessor and amplified by the drive circuit before being applied to the motor .
28 On the same day a Shop Window 92 Shore Event will take place in front of Middlesbrough Civic Centre , including a march and displays by the Royal Marine Band of the Flag Officer Scotland and Northern Ireland .
29 Is it in good condition and serviced by the manufacturer every two or three years ?
30 Many were in mint condition and judging by the list sent in , a pretty comprehensive collection it is too , ranging from World War Two aircraft of the fighting powers to post-war helicopters and such giants as Convair 's B–36 .
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